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About TBP1538

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  1. Wow! Your model, your presentation, and your photography are simply stunning. It could certainly pass for the real thing. Well done!
  2. This is interesting. I’ve only noticed the ECS vent being deleted on JASDF Eagles. Are your reference pictures of Elmendorf or Kadena C-models? The vent could have been deleted as part of the APG-63v2 radar installation, which was fitted to a handful of jets.
  3. Wow, that looks fantastic! Do you have plans for other jets? The F-15 maybe?
  4. Wow, cool model! Nice finish, and an awesome display. Well done!!!
  5. I have to ask... would you consider a 1/72 sheet for the T-37? I think there are a few Hasegawa and Academy kits out there that are desperate for some new decals. Perhaps a T-37/A-37 sheet in 1/72... or a combined 1/48 and 1/72 T-37 sheet for those of us who want to take on the conversion?
  6. ElectroSoldier, Thanks for pointing out these areas. I have just picked up the ResKit exhaust nozzles, which look to be pretty nice.
  7. Scout, Thanks for the run down on the Air Graphics pod. I wish Eduard would scale down their 1/48 pod... it looks nice.
  8. mrvark, Thank you for the drawing of the weapons bay, and the description... most helpful! I think I've got a way forward now. One question... is the PAVE Tack door insert a single piece that covers up the original bomb bay doors?
  9. Andy, Hasegawa used to make a "pilots and ground crew" set in 1/48 that included a few seated pilots in different poses. Todd
  10. Hello ARC, I seem to recall talk of issues with the Pave Tack pod included in the 1/72 Hasegawa F-111F kit. It looks to be a bit crude (especially the rotating sensor turret), and the weapons bay doors are incorrect. Is there anything else I'm missing? Does anyone know of an aftermarket replacement for the pod? Thanks! Todd
  11. Kursad, Any chance you will expand your 1/72 F-111 line to include Cold War USAFE subjects? Some Upper Heyford "E's" and Lakenheath "F's" would be pretty cool...
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