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About charlespattison

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 08/29/1950

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  • Location
    tallahasse, florida
  • Interests
    WWII mostly and 1950s jets; all 1/72 scale

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  1. Still not clear on whether the Vulcans had wrap around camo or if there was some sort of sea gray color for the undersides.
  2. isopropel alcohol works for me and windex as well - i go with whatever is readily available
  3. many thanks for these great suggestions. I went with sturdy UHaul boxes with layers of 3-6 planes separated by pillow batting with a substance called "fiber fill" packed around each model. the boxes are being stored in a climate controlled facility until I can retrieve them.
  4. other than "carefully" how would you do this? everything currently in heavy glass display cases. all I have so far are the Styrofoam packing peanuts in a medium sized Uhaul cardboard box.
  5. Anyone have any unused or partial 1/72 decals for a Flagon at a cheap price?
  6. Does anyone make a 1/72 aftermarket fix to turn Trumpeter's 1/72 Badger into a "C" model? I really like that search radar.
  7. Anyone with a spare pair? Glad to pay shipping/handling.
  8. Anyone have a spare set of treads for this tank? Mine keep separating. Thanks in advance.
  9. Paolo - just got the decals - many thanks
  10. yes - if you don't need your Spanish Typhoon decals I'd love to have them; address is:

    charles pattison 2346 Armistead Road Tallahassee, Florida 32308 USA

  11. [ Andre - were you able to mail me a set of the ROG typhoon decals? My address: quote name=Andre' timestamp='1387225621' post='2566814] Sure!, RoG's Typhoon kit, of which I have several, come with a boatload of decals, including a lot of nation-specific stencilling. Drop me a line at a dot vanderhoek at home dot nl. Cheers, Andre
  12. Does anyone have some spare 1/72 Typhoon decals they can part with? Any nationality and related markings will work. Be glad to swap some of my 1/72 decals and/or pay for yours including mailing. Thanks in advance for any help.
  13. many thanks - I thought about that but wasn't sure I could get a good circle out of it - it's pretty small as a 1/72 item. Maybe I can use a hole puncher on some white decal film to get the bigger circle and then punch/trim a hole in that.
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