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About swimmer25k

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    Step away from the computer!

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  1. Thanks Bill. I’d like to score their X-24B to amend for all of the mistakes I made on the A. I’ve got the M2F2, but it won’t need much at all by comparison.
  2. Mattersofscale.com is relatively new. I provided him with pictures and measurements of the real thing. It’s available to buy on the website.
  3. By making more stuff for #6 makes #1-5 possible.
  4. I mistakenly put this in the wrong forum the other day. Crappy Collectaire kit with lots of scratch-building and fixing of bum parts.
  5. Seven months on one of my Holy Grail kits. The only kit parts used were the upper/lower fuselage halves, outboard stabs, MLG doors, and canopy. Canopy frame, pitot tube, nose doors, cockpit and aft end are scratchbuilt. Motor is printed with help from mattersofscale.com. Gear struts are highly modified Wolfpack T-38 parts. X-15 nose and Reskit T-38 wheels. F-106 seat from Aires. Custom NASA masks (made by a friend) and kit decals.
  6. I’ve added the Brassin cockpit. Markings and masks from Galaxy. Top notch products. I haven’t decided which prop to use yet since it’s a whiffer.
  7. I don’t typically build props, but needed something different and less complex to build after my X-24A project. This is the Eduard P-51 in Thunderbird markings from Galaxy. The cockpit is Eduard resin with some Barracuda decals. I’ve built two different props and will do a third (5-bladed). I’ll may drill out the hole in the nose to accept a strong magnet. TBD. NMF are a mix of AK Extreme Metal and Alclad.
  8. Here's my bulkhead with the Anyz decals:
  9. I’d suggest painting over your yellow actuators and use some Anyz slanted black like decals for clean and even markings. You’ve spent too much money to hand paint them. https://www.anyz.io/shop/product/AN049?ref=category
  10. Mark, I use a base if 1/8” PVC sheet sprayed with a Gunze dark earth. On top of that is a layer of AK light/dry crackle effects. This was my third attempt at it. Too thin and not much will happen and too thick you’ll get deeper crevices. Once applied I put it outside to dry in the natural heat.
  11. She’s on her legs now. And made part of the base.
  12. Thanks Gwen. Col Austin was filmed standing in the HL-10, which was later shown in the opening credits being launched from the NB-52. The crash was actually the M2F2, which was re-built as the M2F3. The X-24A wasn't part of the TV show. Chris
  13. Moving along with this thing and almost ready for decals. The canopy and gear are done, with the nose gear still to attach. I scratchbuilt the front gear doors and skinning the mains with styrene to clean up the roughness of the kit parts. The seat is from an Aires F-106. The wheels hit the deck at a -5 degree camber, so I made a jig to correctly align them.
  14. Nope. They’re over Gunze lacquers.
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