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Everything posted by foxmulder_ms

  1. Thanks... There picture over AMK model. Looks spot on even though AMK model actually has an angle. It would actually fit even better if the model was pictured better:
  2. LOL you guys... some of you guys become giddy to have another "topic to discuss" :) all fine.. Bring me an F-14 side view image and I will show you AMK F-14, Tamiya F-14 and "real F-14" will look all very similar within 1mm of each. That comparison means only Tamiya used that very drawing as reference. I know even drawings from grumman itself sometimes do not match to each other. Seriously, 300 will be easy 😄 I think we are looking at 500.
  3. Nope. People just have ulterior motives: bury a brand. Even thought we are looking at the best F-14 model. No one talks about good things but a 1micron reflection is turning into an opportunity to smear the kit. Even though there is no error and the kit has 2 *more* canopies. LOL>>!>!>!>!> If you want to discuss this model how about the 10 other very good things you may talk about?? Like multiple canopy options. A frame+glass approach as an option which is a first, I believe, and looks extremely good. How about fully extended wing option? H
  4. ? Prices are here mate. We checked the online store you referenced. AMK is 50% cheaper. It is the cheaper model for wast majority of the world.
  5. Frame is bigger? You mean general dimensions? What did you mean by "frame"? Just to be sure, you mean this one, right?
  6. What a model. Exceptional. wow.!!
  7. ???? Hobbyeasy prices for AMK F-14 is = *428* HKD , Tamiya F-14A = *649* HKD. Plus shipping for both.
  8. Of course you know more but from the past releases of GWH, it generally took max 1 year for GWH to come up with the plastic after the announcement.
  9. Problem is the attitude. There is a crusade against AMK. I dont like it. No one cares this much for other releases from other companies. The "issue" is really not significant and burying all the PLUSES of the AMK kit.
  10. No way. That is not accurate, in my opinion, Where do you live? Tamiya is only cheaper in Japan vs AMK. That is.
  11. Cross post from another forum: 🙂 A little bit history here: SMKs were built following the Algerian order back in 2006 but it was cancelled in 2008 because Russians tried to sell planes which were built back in cold war days They were just upgraded to Mig-29SMT version. These aircraft then were brought by Russia and become part of RuAF. So these planes have been painted three times in last 10 year. 1) Algerian colors: 2) 1st Russian colors: Green tones.
  12. I like this comparison very much too. Thanks for sharing. And again this shows the differences is around 1mm. Seriously if this 1mm bothers you that much all the power to you. I am definitely not going to dismiss a kit for this "error". The edge is just sharper in the model and hard light is not helping either in case of the model picture. Daylight (diffused light) + lighter gray paint and weathering, it will look pretty good imho. At least we are not discussing the top view anymore. I take it 😄 As I wrote before. I love to see a 3-way comparison once the G
  13. This is *great* comparison. Only one I find here close to "apples vs apples". If you don't mind could you start both red and blue line at the same height then it will become apparent the "difference" is maybe only 1mm.
  14. That is what I said. Just for comparison sake this should kept in mind when discussing the geometry pf the area.
  15. Also, I remember a picture I've seen years ago which had the perfect angle. Couldnt find it today but will dig it up.
  16. "Twisty".. no?? Bladder rubber height to edge ratio should be around 1/3 when the rubber is extended to "full". Also, please look at this picture where rubber is pressed with the wing on AMK kit: looks pretty spot on to me:
  17. It seems an attack for me too. Why? Because of the kits GWH delivers. Their F-15, Mig-29 and Su-35s are among the best kits out there. I even dare to say Su-35 is THE best model out the for 1/48 jets. So I prefer to focus on the product. Approach can be analyzed when product has problems. Same is true for AMK Mig-31 and by the way it has curves too. Upper intake of Mig-31 is rather complex and AMK is perfect with this area.
  18. This is *not* a fair comparison at all due to different angles. I will share a better picture when I have time.
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