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About Jan_CZ

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  1. https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235126749-mig-19p-‘farmer’-warsaw-pact-kpm0391-172/ https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/235126355-mig-19pm-‘farmer’-over-europe-kpm0389-172/
  2. Academy reboxed the 1/72 Revell F-104G kit with tails for C and G/J version, assembly step 4 - parts 19 and 20 (G/J), resp. 75 and 76 (C) https://www.super-hobby.cz/products/USAF-F-104C-Vietnam-War.html
  3. You can start on the following site https://dstorm.eu/pages/loadout/loadout.html
  4. Unfortunately that picture is everything what I received from Italeri.
  5. 1. that is correct 2. I do not know, I suppose yes 3. at least for 40520 the boxart is correct According to me, the instruction sheet should look like this: A version - 315 is correct B version should be 543 (because this number is unused) C version - should be 520 as it was confirmed by Italeri It seems somebody during instruction sheet creation inserted the 315 twice (position 1 and 2) and consequently the 543 was moved to position 3 and replaced the 520
  6. Well, there is a difference between the box and Instruction sheet (the C version is missing on the instruction sheet) so I asked Italeri 3 years ago to clarify this. The answer from Italeri was quick with attached pdf file. So finally the C version is 40520 as is figured on the box - see attached mentioned pdf file.1375 RB-66B versione C laterale + numeri-3.pdf edited: preview of attachment was added
  7. The markings are placed on the side of the box. Decals are printed by Cartograph and the paint mask for canopy and wheels is included.
  8. Unfortunately, at least for me, the F-111D is offered in Gunship Gray only, the 2nd decals version is F-111F in usual four-tone camo. So if I don't want to have two F-111F (yes, I bought both offered kits) I am forced to have "D" in gray camo which is not so attractive. I hope somebody will release decal sheet.
  9. The instruction sheets for FB-111A (K35) and F-111G (02314) are identical, both are labeled as K35. The difference between these 2 kits is new decal sheet and paint instructions sheet for RAAF. On the paint instructions sheet is notice: Decals for K35 not included in this kit.
  10. Instructions https://academy.co.kr/1aden/product/01_plastic_model/01_aircraft/72/12563_USN_F-14A_VF-143/12563_ins.pdf
  11. Greetings to your wife. She translated the text exactly.
  12. Some pictures - sprues, photoetched parts, decals https://modelweb.modelforum.cz/2019/10/03/148-grumman-f-14d-super-tomcat-amk/#more-271041
  13. You can buy revell kit of F-14D with Grim Reapers decals. Maybe the price of the kit and standalone decals is similar. https://www.revell.de/produkte/modellbau/flugzeuge/militaer-modern/f-14d-super-tomcat.html?listtype=search&searchparam=F-14D
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