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Posts posted by HGE

  1. Sometimes at Hobby Lobby, I'll pick up some great buys.. Recently I picked up a ROG P-47D-30 ( kit 04155 ) Which I think is just a great kit, especially for 4 dollars!!! But sometimes some of the Revell stuff is junk! ( Like the SB2C ) What Revell kits would be recomended?

    I know it's kind of subjective... but I'm curious what diferent opinions are..

    Thanks, Henry

  2. Can anyone fill me in on the SB2C Academy model? The dive flaps show indentations.... Should they be perferated or is that only for a SB2C-3 model? Since the kit is supposed to be a -4 model are the indentations accurate or should they be smooth?

    Thanks, Henry

  3. Bake in the late 60's there was a series of kits that had " battle damaged " parts included. I remember an A-4 Skyhawk and a Phantom.

    It's been so long but I think the scale would have been 1/72 or approx that. I can't remember the maker but it was something like EMF ..


    Thanks, HEnry

  4. Thanks Jason, I'll try that. These are the latter Ju88 ( s ) and the only reference to the bombs is a box top picture of 2 being carried. I'm guessing about 12 ft right now based on them being about twice the length of a figure in that scale. I should get the calipers out!

    Thanks, Henry

  5. I was looking at my AMTech JU88 kits last night and wondering about the 4 Rather large bombs supplied with each kit. ( They are huge!!!)

    Does anybody know anthing about these bombs or if they are accurate? Does anybody have a link to a picture?

    Thanks, Henry

  6. I was going through some of my stuff and I found ( I love it when that happens!!! It's like Christmas!! ) some True Details sets that had been misplace for a long time!

    First question.. The NACES SJU-17 ejection seat says it's for late F-18's.... Would that include the E and F model?

    Next... The ESCAPAC seat says early A-10 and F-15.. question is, how early?

    One more question.. not part of the topic.. :banana:

    I model 1/72... So who makes the best Sea Harrier in that scale?

    Thanks, Henry

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