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Posts posted by aircommando130

  1. On 8/7/2024 at 5:33 PM, Scooby said:

    They definitely all spin the same way.


    I used to adjust the synchrophaser manually in the cockpit until they went to solid state electronics. These adjustments automatically synchronizes all propellers so that they rotate at the same speed. It cut down on vibrations and increased crew comfort and efficiency.


    I can’t imagine if one engine was spinning in another direction. That would be a nightmare.


    Had a few syncrophasers on the old MC-130 that would wander off and the engineer would unsync them all and then re-sync them up. Was a lot of vibration for that brief period of flight. 



  2. Lookin good! I flew the T2 as a Lockheed employee here at Kirtland. The old girl gained 

    a lot of weight. When they put the hose pods on and other associated equipment the 

    operating weight was around 102,000 pounds. Max takeoff was 155,000 so it really limited 

    the payload it could carry. 



  3. That Pioneer Airways DC-3 was a good looking airplane too. My old boss in C-5's when he was a 

    young loadmaster flew on AC-47's in South Vietnam. He said it was a great airplane to fly in. 



  4. I've built three of those Monogram C-47's over the years. You did a great job on yours! No TSA...no jetway

    no fighting for an overhead bin...people dressed nice to fly and got real silverware for their inflight meal.....



  5. It's an origional logo from Lockheed....I have the patch my dad wore on his flight suit when he was stationed 

    at Edwards AFB in the late 50's early 60's. There was no mistake it was a 104 in the pattern with the J-70 howl.



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