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Gwen Phoenix

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About Gwen Phoenix

  • Rank
    Head in the Clouds

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  1. Hi lads, Merry Xmas and a kick-arse 2025 to you too, Steve, Erik, Harry, Geoff, Brad, Rob and Andrew. Gwen
  2. Cheers Ben, Thank you very much for the reply; it's highly appreciated. Been dead to the world, but I'm slowly back to life once again. Will have some pictures of the whole set to see if together we can decipher which part is which. Unfortunately, the set I've got looks nothing like either of those. I was still unable to find any graphics by SB to help me cut some plastic off my Monogram Phantom kit after all this time. Gwen
  3. Ciao, Lucio! How are you doing? Are you currently in the US or Italy? Always come to check your build thread when I've got the time to be online. I'm not experienced at all with cyano glue, I'm afraid, but I'd give it a try if only you told me how soon I've got to start sanding cyano glue after I've applied it on plastic. Milliput or even Tamiya Epoxy Putty (white stuff) is more forgiving, but then it's troublesome when I rescribe over it, like it will start to tear apart in some areas. I surmise cyano will give a much harder surface where scr
  4. Cheers Curt, How're you doing, luv? It's always great to learn that a manufacturor provide good Customer Service. This is very important; almost key to me, when purchasing a kit because I seldom finish a build without having obliterated its main parts. I've got some bitter memories from builds I had to ditch because of having botched parts, and which manufacturors have never agreed on sending me spares. Hope your Corsair build is going well. Take care, Gwen
  5. Tried to figure out the parts on my Steel Beach conversion set but, unfortunately for me, I was not even able to tell whether the gray piece is the outer slat or the creamy-yellow one the inner slat... Having to do surgery in the dark on the Monogram F-4J kit wings is completely out of the question. If anyone happens to have the diagrams on the Steel Beach 1/48 F-4JS conversion set instructions sheet and is able to send me a scan, I'll highly appreciate it. Thank you so very much, chaps. Cheers, Gwen
  6. Gals & Gents, I've finally gotten my 1/48 F-4S conversion set for the Monogram kit by Steel Beach, thanks to the huge help of my mates @Curt B and @Darren Roberts. Thank you both, chaps Here you are some pictures (slats and wheels), so that you can see what I'm talking about: Hopefully, could you please advise on how to free the resin parts from the plastic sheet? My set came without the instructions sheet, and Darren was kind enough as to provide me with a .doc sheet with regard to the set. Does anyone of you
  7. Hi Rex, Is that product by Holloway House? I take it that it's sort of milky in appearance? Cheers, Gwen
  8. Oh, nice! Some more progress on this awesome build. Look, two of my favourite modellers on the same thread; Elmo and Lucio. Hi, Elmo. (I must have been good.) Hi Lucio, Thank you for your help. I'll try CA glue to fill up those scratches. Just how soon I should start sanding over the CA glue I had the faintest idea. Hope to see more progress soon. Cheers, Gwen
  9. Quite an outstanding job you're doing on this GWH A-10 kit, viper! This is the ultimate A-10 1/48 kit. Must have.
  10. Hi Darren, Hope you will tell me whether there's one of your excellent SBA48982 or SB174 (also 48053) 1/48 F-4S conversion sets available to sell me? Highly appreciate it, mate. Cheers, Gwen
  11. Hi Igmar, Thank you for this video! Quite informative, once again. Many of my files should be sold for scrap, I guess... I've been pretty much out of the net these past two weeks for my dad passed away and I had to travel to South Africa. Nice to see you're endorsed by Hobby Link Japan! Great stuff they've got over there. Cheers, Gwen
  12. Hi Jeff, It's a long shot, unless someone has a junk kit to help you out. Other than that, HobbyDNA is your friend. If there's no joy from some fellow modeller on here, click on the link to purchase Sprue E for $15.00 plus shipping to your location. HobbyDNA Trumpy #02803 Sprue E That's your fastest, surest solution. Hope it helps. Cheers, Gwen
  13. Hi Lucio, Never mind; having been born in South Africa made me a strong female. That MDF shelf took the worst part. 😐🤑 Oh, by the way; here's how I goofed my AMK lower right wing: No wonder why my husband affirms that I'm still not ready for the expensive, complex kits. I'm the noob here, but I would make use of the front section of a missile; off the top of my head, the worst ever AIM-9 missile in 1/48 you could find in your spares box. Perhaps sanding it down or cutting it in half in order to replicate those warning ant
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