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Captain Mark

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About Captain Mark

  • Rank
    Jedi Master

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  • Location
    Brisbane, Australia
  • Interests
    Modelling, airbrushing, and general loitering with intent...

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  1. That's a great build of an unusual kit and subject, very well done! 😎
  2. Fantastic detail and camo paintwork, one to be proud of! 👍
  3. The detail is looking truly amazing so far, I'll be watching with interest! 👍
  4. Awesome work! I love that you've put so much effort to the underside colours and weathering that's seldom seen. The metallic area around the jet pipes have come up really good as well. 👍👍
  5. That is an exceptionally high quality build, fantastic work! 👍
  6. Holy cow that's come up impressive, exceptionally well done!! 👊
  7. That cockpit is phenomenal, awesome work!! 👍
  8. Damn, the camo paintwork on this build looks awesome. Well done!! 👊
  9. I love the detail in the cockpit and also the jet pipe too, very well done! 👍
  10. I agree with everything said so far, great build and the colour scheme looks awesome. Well done!! 👍
  11. Wow you are REALLY doing this build justice, will watch with interest, keep it up!! 👊
  12. Damn the scratch building some of you guys pull off is amazing. Awesome build!! 😎
  13. Holy hell that's impressive! I can honestly say I'll never have the patience for this kind of detail and size of project, hats off to you!! 👍
  14. I love the shading and subtle weathering you've achieved on this build, it's top quality all round! 👍
  15. Damn that's nice, I love seeing a crew'd cockpit and the pictures are top quality too. Very well done! 😎
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