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Everything posted by Incaroad

  1. The best thing about this kit so far is how the windscreen is going to attach! The way they are doing it is going to be finely the most logical way to get that fared in look! Can't wait to see it Cheers Larry
  2. Boy I wish there was a LIKE button for your response here Rex! This should clear it up for everyone easily. Cheers! Larry
  3. May wanna check this site for an easy fix for the nose gear... http://www.geocities.jp/yoyuso/f86/f86e-2.html Then go back and look at the rest of the fantastic build! Cheers
  4. These look crisp and clean just like the lines should, AWESOME! Now if only the FJ-2/3 Fury was thought about by some company out there in all scales... Oh and a F-86H in 1/48th as well. Cheers Larry
  5. HAHAHAHA, TF-30's had a lot of THRUST? Pretty funny Jennings! I understood though...
  6. That first AGM-88 is actually out in front of the McLean Building at China Lake. The Missile is a static display item that was painted wrong by a paint shop on base so don't use this one as a reference just like Jim is saying. The F/A-18A BuNo 163092 has VX-9 on one side and VX-31 on the other, it is there only as a display...
  7. One source you might try... http://www.mcmaster.com/#hypodermic-tubing/=xfys7b my 2¢ Larry
  8. Okay Elmo, its time for a HUGE update... Everyone wants to see your work, don'tcha know! How are you doin my good man? A Memorial day tribute from you & your A-6E TRAM would be GREAT! Cheers Larry
  9. Is this who you are looking for? http://www.naritafamily.com/ Cheers Larry
  10. This F-4S 157259 at Point Mugu has so much paint on it it's kinda hard to see the reinforcement out to the wing fold but there doesn't look to be any reinforcement on the wing fold itself... photo hosting
  11. From the Koku Fan Illustrated American Super Fighter: 1980 (according to the caption) White, Blue, & Gold, it had a dogtooth wing, but not the stabilator. 1982 (according to the caption) White & Orange, it had no dogtooth. Hope that helps. Cheers -Larry
  12. Yeah, those notches are a problem...at least for me. A little more to consider. As you can see in your pictures of the F-20A exhaust, the exhaust petals are symmetrically laid out. The F/A-18E/F are cranked at an angle. The good thing though is, the exhaust is suppose to be the same diameter, I've measured the opening in the Fuselage of an F/A-18A/C and an F/A-18E/F with the engines removed. There are some that disagree with that though... If accuracy is your goal then it would be wise not using the F414 exhaust. If it were me, I would find a way to use the Exhaust outer nozzle that Monog
  13. Yes Monogram F-20A on the left, Aires for the F/A-18C/D on the right
  14. Curt is right about this! Monogram on the left, Aries on the right. No way it will just bolt right in... Besides that, the F-20A and Early F-18A looked, on the outside anyway more like the KIT part. I would actually use the Monogram F-20A F-404 exhaust outside part for a Monogram F/A-18A if it were me...just sayin. Hope that helps. -Larry
  15. Yes I painted this all in the same session, with the other wheel bay. All done in 15 minutes or so.
  16. For me it's Mr. Color gloss white thinned with leveling thinner in three to four light coats without any primer. Incredibly easy to apply... My 2¢ for the discussion. Cheers -Larry
  17. Any chance for some high res shots of these?



  18. No F-14's to VX-31 ever! Cheers Larry
  19. If you want to use a scalpel for the hobby I would suggest you watch this video by Dr. Paul Budzik. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ZzU7udLZo I bought the handles he suggested and while expensive I do think they are worth it in the long run. The larger blades are nicer, to me, than a standard #11 scalpel blade, but you be the judge. NOTHING beats a scalpel blade for cutting decals and Tamiya Masking tape. Cheers Larry
  20. I have looked all over the net but can't find a clear view of the rear portion of the Nose Gear, anyone have a nice hi/low res picture of this? Thanks -Larry
  21. Ain't that the truth! But there would be something else missing for my taste on this scheme... In assembly I also found you need to file down or sand down the outer edges of the wheel wells to make the top fit to the bottom without forcing them together. Cheers -Larry
  22. I don't know how you do it, but you seem to be able to assemble kit's with such speed it's unbelievable! I'm still working on getting the intake and exhaust smoothed out for paint! LOOKS AWESOME Darren! Cheers Larry
  23. I agree that this is a GREAT first release. Questions: 1. With regards to top and bottom are you suggesting to attach each outer wing to the inner wing/fuselage before joining the top and bottom? I was going to do that, but decided, due to how the upper wing attaches (covers you mentioned) and all to opt with assembling the outer wings first, then to the inner after. We'll see how that plays out because I too think another kit will likely be needed. 2. On my kit, the main wheel well outer edge had to be filed down quite a bit so the top would sit, without forcing it, to the bottom. After
  24. Update sir!!! Hoping all is well and you've had good fortune with the Intruder! Cheers Larry
  25. I did not know Monogram made a 1/48th MiG-25, nor a 1/72nd for that matter... Are you talking about the Revell kit? Forgive me if that was a Tongue-n-cheek type of reference. Looks like this one is going together well... Cheers -Larry McCarley
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