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Everything posted by Incaroad

  1. The JLC saw is a great little saw and I use it all the time, but to get that casting block off, let's say, an Ejection seat... A mini milling machine makes it SO much easier. I know not many people have them but it do make for nice flat as you can get bottoms of "Resin Parts!" My 2¢ Cheers Larry McCarley 21045
  2. MR. Color leveling thinner and or their Lacquer thinner works better with less fuss and screw ups than anything out there. Funny, it doesn't affect the plastic at all but due to it being a thinner for their Lacquer products you would think it would etch the plastic, but it doesn't. Really nice stuff. Put a cut up Cotton T-shirt where you want to remove the paint, soak the fabric with the thinner and let it soak for 10 minutes then rinse, wipe or lift it off with tweezers. This stuff is amazing! I stripped an F/A-18A that was painted w/Model Master enamel in 1986 with Leveling thinner and it
  3. What you ought to do is go to your original post and edit as much as possible until someone on ARC deletes this rather hideous thread! Your last post should be in the first post as well! AFTERBURNER decals are second to none! Scott will do EVERYTHING he can to get whomever orders his product to them, I assure you! Cheers Larry McCarley] 21045
  4. The gun muzzle cover was closed off too probably to avoid birds nesting inside. When the YF-104A's and F-104A's flew without the gun from China Lake; they didn't have any louvers either. Cheers Larry McCarley 21045
  5. Thanks for the acknowledgment... And, you are correct in saying even under a coat of paint you could still see them... One thing I forgot to take with me to the March Museum was a pair of calipers but I'd bet just looking at those fasteners that they would be near .500 wide which in 48th translates too: .010 +/- a few 10/1000's of an inch. So you bet you can see them with the naked eye in 48th scale, although very small. I do believe that there is a beading tool that could represent that just fine then put a dimple in the middle to simulate the Reed-Prince cross... Yep I think that would do it
  6. I don't think the fasteners you see on the wing are rivets at all. As a matter of fact I know they aren't. They are Reed/Prince cross head (like Phillips Head only different) screws! Smooth and sharp as a tack leading and trailing edge flaps though... I'm surprised that Michigan Pete didn't comment on that... Yeah Pete, that wings as smooth as that baby with cottage cheese on it's butt! Cheers Larry McCarley 21045
  7. The dog won't know the difference so name it anything you want. Doesn't everyone call their aircraft, "her?" Had a female Dachshund we named, yep on the license papers, F-4C Phantom II. We called her Phantom and she was a GREAT dog. Then we had the arrival of our Lab... I named her AIM-54C Phoenix... Of course I always called her Phoenix. Great dog as well... Cheers Larry.
  8. Terry, that is probably the most convincing method I've saw for painting on them there strips!!! GREAT job! I agree with Michigan Pete though... Next time, try painting the yellow over the black... When I've looked at the real pull rings the yellow is ALWAYS painted over the black rubber like pull rings. THAT would give the ulitimate realistic finish IMO... Cheers Larry.
  9. As Mr. Jennings said; "to each his own" and I would agree. Here is a few shots of an F-86 where all the fasteners are pretty much IN YOUR FACE! Then we have one with a TON of paint on it where at some distance you can't see any fasteners but up close it's a different animal. Plus you can see where the panels are dimpled a lot. It doesn't matter to me which way you like your F-86's but man; Jun's F-86F doesn't look awful...especially this shot http://www.geocities.jp/yoyuso/f86/f86g114.jpg Odd too that; some modelers will deepen and widen panel lines and in lots of cases enlarg
  10. The most convincing rivet job on a 1/48th Sabre I've ever saw. http://www.geocities.jp/yoyuso/f86/f86galle.html Cheers Larry McCarley
  11. This is a very nice representation although there are a couple things that I noticed that need correction if not on this one at least on the next... 1. The windscreen has to be faired in! It's a must for any aircraft... It appears it was placed on the model after it was painted; then weathered. 2. Looks like the refueling door has never been opened! I think a knife blade through the decal, then the wash would have made this look much better, along with a little more weathering around it. The green light on the tail is a minor repair... Great job though on this F/A-18F!!!! Cheers Lar
  12. First off; I agree with Jennings, but; they should be painted yellow after the dirty black! To amplify just a little on this topic: The pull rings are made of a hard rubber compound that is dirty black in color (ask me how I know) and should be replaced on every model with a wire off correct diameter (.020 should do it). When one paints the item he should paint it black(unlike the Rolling Stones) then paint the yellow on just like Martin Baker would have... Just makes perfect sense don't you think Jennings? Cheers Larry McCarley 21045
  13. Using Hypodermic Needle tubing for those shiny "PISTON" portions is very realistic and they won't rust, their made of Stainless Steel! I strongly recommend looking here... http://www.mcmaster.com/#catalog/116/129/=7x2um4 Lots of sizes to choose from and they are telescoping if you choose the correct size. I use them for all sorts of things including Gun Barrels! I live in Southern California and if I order before 7:00pm Monday through Thursday, I'll get it the next day... Cheers Larry McCarley 21045
  14. Yes Sierra Hotel models. Possible Debut at the 2010 NATS Cheers Larry McCarley
  15. This is a wonderful Book! Can't wait to see it with my own hands! Great Job! Larry McCarley 21045
  16. But you forgot one... VX-5!!! Before VX-4 and VX-5 merged to create VX-9! XE with an arrow through the E Go for it! Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  17. Did this ever get finished, and if so, can someone post the link to it? magnificent work Marcin, I'd like to see the finished product... Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  18. No holes drilled just plastic card punched through a waldron like die that I made to get smaller knobs. Takes a little bit to get used to, but in the end you can punch lots of knobs in minutes. I dip the little knobs in ACC then they go in the panel. After that you paint as you would any other panel and pick out details write in the text and away you go. I tried selling them at one time but not enough interest for what it takes to build them to continue. Buy a Waldron punch and die and you can punch plenty. Just not as small as I was after when I made the one I use. Cheers, Larry McCarl
  19. For an F-14A they are the most accurate panels and IP you can get, bar none. If you're not gonna use them I can take them off your hands. They make Eduard stuff; especially the prepainted parts, look toy like. Wish I'd had the whole set for this one; I did use their instruments and they are second to none! 1/48th scale Hasegawa built in 1989. Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  20. SHared Reconnaissance Pod Merry Christmas Larry McCarley 21045
  21. Nice job!!!! I realize this doesn't have the "Bunny" on it but it's still a nice shot, taken on the range at China Lake!!! We have had so many nice little airshows to watch...wish Tomcars were still around to see fly, mmmmmm gorgeous!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!!! Larry McCarley 21045
  22. the great amount of effort that Brian and Mike took to make these VERY accurate decals. I was at Hanger 1 today...looking at XE-100 and besides the CO's name change; it's identical to the 2008 version on the decal sheet. I took it a step further and looked closer at the BuNo, by golly it's made with a couple different thickness numbers. I noticed that on the decal sheet too and wondered just how close they got to the actual letters. So I take a closer look at the decals and sure as it's snowing right now at China Lake; they got that detail as close as you can get. I'm now looking closer at t
  23. Thank you John. I'm not assigned to Edwards but we brought a team from China Lake to support. Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  24. My pleasure guy's~! Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  25. Shuttle day, what a great way to spend the day. Before the Shuttle landed...we got to see a few jets fly. What a privilege to be there for the landing. Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
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