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Everything posted by Incaroad

  1. Those stencils do look good though. It's so hard not to indulge and put as many on as possible, hours and hours of wonderful fun. And I've seen them with this many on! Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  2. Hey Mark, Those days were alive in a big way for me! Living in Trona, California waiting for F-4's (of any kind) flying from George AFB everyday, breaking the sound barrier all the time, was great. I wish they'd never closed that base, fricken BRAC. Wonder what they would be flying if they were still there as the USAF today instead of what it turned into? I've a few slides that need to be sorted and scanned of aircraft from George AFB airshows. When I was a kid in the 60's my uncle was stationed there and I saw many F-104's and I'm sure F-100's as well along with the Thunderbirds, I wish I
  3. Thanks Shadowy_one I appreciate that. Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  4. Built this in 1986 or so... 1/48th Testors with a few minor mods here and there, all rescribed, Microscale decals and painted with "Wet Paint Gloss Black enamal, overcoated with Advanced Products Full Flat. All covers were copied from shots i took at Edwards AFB open house. I kinda re-built it in 2007 for the AVG club Edwards Display. I hope this fits the bill. Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  5. Well...I for one want you to prosper, succeed, keep the funds coming in, (maybe the Government will help with a few BILLION your way) or whatever you need to keep you going until you're to old to continue! Hopefully at least a few hundred years from now! These decals look very nice and I am very anxious to see m soon! Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  6. Doesn't matter if it's been on ARC or any other site before we all need to see what this could do again and again... What an amazing engineering marvel it is. Truly the 8th wonder of the world! If we only knew... Thanks for posting R.J. Cheers, Larry.
  7. I think Jakes referance's are great as well but what we really need is a: Interim F/A-18E/F book documenting what has gone on to date! Lots of changes and lots more to come. With the vast array of resources that Jake must have this should be an easy reference to put together! A few shots that I could use with a ruler or tape measure for scale reference are: 1. What's under the perforated and hinged segment that covers the upper wing fold area. 2. A shot of the wing fold actuator, with the ruler don't forget! I've seen lots of shots on the web and from others but none with a simple measuri
  8. Not how I approached the U.S. AIR FORCE ghosting, but here's how I did it. I applied the Alclad Aluminum first. Then drew out the U.S. AIR FORCE on Tamiya masking tape after which I cut the letters out applying them individually to the area that I wanted them. After that I applied a slightly tinted Aluminum mixture over the masks and the rest of the airframe. After that I applied the streaking. When I was satisfied with the way that looked I then pealed the masking tape off. Then applied the alternate shades on various panels followed by more streaking to blend everything in a little more. Af
  9. This should give you an idea how expensive it is... http://store.spruebrothers.com/shared/Stor...errideJava=True Cheers! Larry McCarley 21045
  10. I'm with NETZ, don't use Acrylic as a primer :) . Your finish will crack all over and you will NOT be happy. When I've used Alclad I didn't use a primer and it came out magnificent. An example of what I was trying to achieve: No primer, just well prepped plastic. I shot very light coats and this is how it came out... The streaking came out exactly as I intended and looks alot like the real aircraft did back in 1959. I drybrushed Alclad with a wide brush to do this. Easy to overdue so be patient and have a really dry brush to start with. I'm sure a B-29 would look a lot like this espec
  11. Based on all the web research I've found, the F-4Es of the 57th FIS don't look like they have any of the standard maintenance stencils on them. Were the ADC birds not stenciled like the TAC birds? Or are black stencils just not showing up in the photos? For awhile, the 57th used a stenciled version of "U.S. AIR FORCE" for the side markings. Anybody know if there is a sheet available with this style? I've got the Expert's Choice 57th sheet, but it only has the standard U.S AIR FORCE...I could probably convert it with some careful trimming and a sharp xacto blade, but I'm looking for an easy
  12. Remember the pilot who was trapped inside the Raptor? Well there were photo's circulating all over the net about that one and a couple shots of the Cockpit where there... let me see... this might help to see that; they look a lot like the photo's in Jay Miller's book that I just got yesterday... Thanks Mike V.!!! Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  13. Here is a SEA painted F-4G from George AFB doing a touch and go at China Lake some time in the lat 70's or early 80's And here is a Testors F-4G in the same SEA paint again from George AFB and in my display case at China Lake! LOL... Hope that helps... Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  14. 166856... Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  15. Not dirty yet just saw it the other day and it still looks as fresh... One day some shots. Cheers, Larry.
  16. This is a great build Chukw and I hope you will have it finished and bring it to the "AVG Dessert Classic XII" contest in Lancaster on November 1st at the Antelope Valley College!!! Would LOVE to see this one in person! Cheers, Larry.
  17. Not as nice as the Hasegawa kit but it doesn't look that bad when completed... Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  18. Timmy, I could not resist... Your Bronco does look nice in this picture that James Kelly shot at the NATS! Like I said not enough words to discribe this one! Great Job!!! Good Luck on the"BIG AWARDS" it deserves one of them for sure from what I can see! Cheers, Larry.
  19. MAGNIFICENT! If the rest of the Bronco look as good as this angle does then there won't be enough words (nearly a Million as Playboy just told) in the english dictionary to discribe your craftsmanship! Can't wait to take a gander at the photo's! Lets make m big now and lots of them! Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  20. Thanks again guy's!!! I really appreciate the comments! The way I do the ablative coating on the bombs is with Baking Soda and paint. I put down either with an airbrush or with a real brush a coat of the appropriate paint then sprinkle Baking Soda over the top of it. After that I blow the excess off and then add another coat either after it dries or before it dries depending on how much texture I want to simulate. I use mostly Model Master enamal coatings but it also works with that acrylic stuff too. I like the look it gives and it is very easy to weather too; taking a wash very well and t
  21. Now don't that look sweet! Nice Job! Cheers, :) Larry McCarley 21045
  22. Yep that's a keeper fer sure! Freakin nice man! Cheers, Larry McCarley 21045
  23. Thanks Richard I hated to give it up but I think I'll be buildin another one for ME real soon. What the heck I already have one 1/3 built but it's the Revell kit and it needs so much work to get it done... Appreciate the comments! Cheers Larry McCarley 21045
  24. Ahhhh YES I'm gonna do another one soon I hope so where are those new decals. I do believe though I will still be painting on the bigger markings as the way they look painted on looks so nice. I need another set of the VX-23 decals too!!! So let me know when those new VX-9 decals are ready! Ryan, yes I received the parcel and thanks much! I'll see what I can do about the F's cockpit. They have a Growler with a new scheme too that I hope to get some shots of soon... Thanks everyone for your comments, I’m very grateful for them all! The base: ½†Plexiglas 12†x 21â€, edges cut at 10°
  25. Here are a few shots I've tried to process a little, they didn't turn out as well as I hoped but it's too late to worry about that now. the model is 1/48th Hasegawa kit with not to many things added. I did cut the hinges apart so I could pose the flaps and ailerons the way I wanted as it takes off from Runway 14 heading for another test here at China Lake. It's full of it's weapons but I don't like it as well as with just a couple things but it was for the CO of VX-9 and the XO asked me to put on as many things as I could find in the shot time I had to build it. I had a lot of fun building th
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