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Anthony in NZ

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About Anthony in NZ

  • Rank
    Full Blown Model Geek

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  • Location
    Christchurch, New Zealand

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  1. Got some wiring done in the pilots footwell area. I really want to close this fuse up! Although I am getting tugged from other kits on my SOD LOL
  2. LOL, I was waiting for you....😂 Gertjan, I am trying not to get too interested, although I did go down the other day and take some detail photo's....I need to focus.....
  3. Thanks very much, it's nice to know this build was missed! That in itself spurs me on Cheers Anthony
  4. Thanks buddy! I am on-line at the moment looking at smaller 'home use' Vac forming machines for the clear parts Am actually keen to crack on,
  5. Uh Oh........ They just took delivery of their new H-145!! (photo courtesy of the Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust Facebook page) So I went and brought one of these... Hmmm, I think I might have gotten the drive finally to work on this Bk-117 again!
  6. Great work John! So good to see the BK getting the attention she deserves! Cheers Anthony
  7. That is Super awesome.....never seen that scheme before, nice find! Best one I have seen yet on a Harrier Keep up your modelling awesomeness
  8. Beautiful work as always Peter! Especially like the Brit Harriers.... Cheers Anthony
  9. Lovely build there Peter! Just keeping the lines of communication open as I am still planning on visiting you next year when I stay on Long Is with my family. And Joel too if he is nearby. I REALLY will miss you over at LSP, but nice to keep in touch here BTW, that Tomcat really does look awesome mate!
  10. LOL, I guess I am 'inventive' each time a parcel arrives LOL Here are the skids, I should tape some of this stuff together to the Revell kit and see how it looks
  11. I have just received some Printed 'high skids' from Heli-Scale which they upscaled for me from 35th. Really nice detail and should hold the weight of the kit no problem. I will post some pics later when I have time for those interested Cheers Anthony
  12. Hi, I believe so. Ian wasn't prepared to order any more until it, and other items were corrected. I was copied in on the emails between the 2 parties and both parties were happy. Sure looks like it will be strong enough to support the blades from what I can see.
  13. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure the guy who converted the Panda 212 works on 412's and used the Bell-Textron lofts as a basis for the set. I know the rotorhead, swashplate and fairing needed tweaks before going back on sale.
  14. Perfect mate!! And pleased I could help on such a beautiful build!!
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