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About richuk

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    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)

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  • Location
    Southport, Lancs, UK

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  1. Thanks gentlemen for your answers. There might be something there and a few figure sets I forgot existed ie the Nimrod set. I actually found this set as well in 1/72 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rescue-helicopter-Westland-Sea-King-crew-set-1-72-/121000225527?pt=UK_ToysGames_ModelKits_ModelKits_JN&hash=item1c2c2ceaf7 Rich
  2. Hell guys, Not posted on here for yonks, but am about to get back into modelling again after a few years without anything, so need some info please. There are plenty of combat heli crew figures wearing body armour, both VietNam and modern day but are there any non combat figures to use in rescue heli's. Pilots and crew? I know of , and have, some 1/48 figures from the old Revell S-55 kit and from the Hasegawa MD500 which could be used/converted, but are there any other options available. If you know of anything in any scale please post. Many thanks for any help. Cheers, Rich
  3. Robertas and Ray, ...ask and you shall receive...Thank you so much for those pics, they were exactly what I was looking for. Perfect. Although they have created a problem now as I really like that red and white colour scheme as well as the USAF grey and white one in the top picture. I gues I could always do both?? Kind regards as always, Rich
  4. Sorry, I didn't really explain myself very well. It's a bit more than a bump, more of a dome-ish shape under the side door underneath the fusalage where it meets the tail. It must be some kind of radar of sorts?? Thanks , Rich
  5. Hello Gents, I'm after some pics of the hoist used on this heli. I have a few external ones but no internal ones, which will lead onto my next question...was there any other internal structure to support the hoist or was it all situated on the roof? Were there different types of hoist "housing" as some seem a uniform shape while others seem to taper off at one end as in this pic. Any help appreciated. PS What's that bump under the fusalage near the tail, anyone got any pics of that? Thanks, Rich
  6. Hi, I think the set that comes with the new kit is pretty amazing, 2 Italian, 1 German and a US Marine Rescue. Not bad. I've just oredered mine and will probably do the Marine version or the Italian ISAF. Rich
  7. Sorry to hi-jack your post again John, but while we're on the subject of airbrushes, what do the experienced airbrushers out there think of this deal on Ebay. I'm thinking of buying it but not sure if the products are any good. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT Many thanks, Rich
  8. Do you have to have special airbrush paints? Most of my paints are Valejo but just the normal kind, so could you use these? Rich
  9. Something I've always wondered about airbrushing is don't you go through loads more paint as you musn't use all the paint in the pot. Do you store it , in which case you must end up with loads of pots of mixed paints. As you can guess, I use bristles. Rich
  10. Hello, I was just looking through one of my scale model mags, viewing the latest sets of figure sets, and thinking that they all must be sculpted from original pictures of troops/airmen in action. I know that one of the guys from the Dragon set, the pilot with "WAR" on his helmet is Hugh Mills , he of Miss Clawd IV fame, but who were the others. Does anyone know? Does anyone know the names of anyone now immortalised in plastic, apart from historical figures of course. Cheers, Rich
  11. The Revell is kit is more 1/76 scale than 1/72. I have the gunship version and the German SAR. The only things useful are the decals and bits and pieces from the interiors. The SAR kit has stretchers and better seats than the Italeri kit and the gunship has the M60 quads but the detailing isn't really that sharp. Rich
  12. Good morning gents, I'm about to start building my ch-46 (again!!!!) and need some close up pics of the Vietnam air filters. I'm building it in 1/76 .It's the old Airfix kit which I'm using as a scratch building exercise. I've made the cabin floor and tail gate so far. Any ideas on how to make the filters? I was thinking of making them out of miliput and then impressing a mesh pattern on them. What do you think? Thanks in advance
  13. Thanks for all your ideas guys. I'll try and fish out some hellfires from a Blackhawk kit and maybe a torpedo from a Merlin. Another question... if you were to have a fuel tank , would you have to have two to maintain balance or could you have one under one wing and a torpedo under another? Also, because of the shape of the wings which dip downwards towards the tip, could you have the larger items on the ends and the hellfires nearer to the fusalage? Thanks again for your input. Rich
  14. Hi, I realise you've already tracked some mesh down, but for future reference try looking in the kitchen section of your local store as you can often pick up cheap mesh in the form of tea strainers or seives for anly a few pence/cents. Rich
  15. Hello gents, I just bought the Italeri Tigre HAP and was thinking about a "what if" naval version with Exocets under each wing. I know this is a what if so anything goes, but would it have the power in real life to carry this kind of payload and if so would it be able to carry anything else. What other naval weapons could it carry? Any torpedos or a rack of Hellfires? Thanks for any suggestions. Cheers, Rich ;)
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