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About Etendard

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    WWI, WWI, Cold War, Golden Age of Civil Aviation

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  1. Thanks very much for the replies! In using MRP with an airbrush, I've found that it does indeed spray on in very thin coats, but dries incredibly fast. And as you've all advised, no thinner needed. It's so thin it reminds me of Alclad. This is great stuff!
  2. I've seen some very informative discussions about various paints here at ARC, including MRP paints, but one issue wasn't covered. Is it necessary to thin MRP paints, or, given that they are an acrylic lacquer and translucent enough to require at least two coats, according to previous posts, can you just forgo using any kind of thinner?
  3. Depending on the temperature, Aqua Gloss can spray thin or thick. Sometimes there may be no rhyme or reason to it...I have had success thinning it with both Tamiya Lacquer Thinner or just plain alcohol. Any thinning agent should be used sparingly until you feel confident about what you are doing. Good Luck and Model On...
  4. Very true. The best kits seem to disappear quickly. Either the limited stock has been bought up, or worse, upon inquiring you learn that it's now out of production.
  5. Master-X from the Czech Republic has some interesting all-resin aircraft kits in both 1/48 and 1/72 scale. The wrinkle is, they appear to only accept wire transfers and the like, as they are not set up for credit card or PayPal payments. This seems a bit irregular. Has anyone ever purchased from Master-X directly?
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