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About DropD

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    Crystal Lake. IL

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  1. Many reference photos I've looked at show Navy and Marine aircraft where there are (what I think) repairs to the outside paint. Example: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=llMNFw0P&id=F4430971B01C9A5A0E857AC655460D921FDB1E35&thid=OIP.llMNFw0PIWa8VcMj5QD7BwHaE8&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fthumb%2Fa%2Fa2%2FProwler_%22Final_Flight%22_division_flight_160301-M-RH401-152.jpg%2F1200px-Prowler_%22Final_Flight%22_division_flight_160301-M-RH401-152.jpg&exph=800&expw=1200&q=ea-6b+prowler+images&simid=6
  2. Amazing history. 2775 coordinated allied sorties in one day. Thanks for sharing it.
  3. Thanks! I appreciate the detailed information. Your description of the markings fits exactly with the markings of the subject I'm building. It also explains something else I was curious about. (The pilot is a Lt. General.) Thanks again ...
  4. Hi everybody! I've been away for the hobby for a while, this is my first post in a very, very long time. I'm building an F-16CJ based out of Misawa AB, Japan. Instructions call for yellow and red colors at the top of the vertical stabilizer. Just curious, what's the significance of those colors? Very glad to be back!
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