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Everything posted by Supertom

  1. Darn it Harald, I was just about to post that! It's Eagle Strike?! Darn it, no wonder I can't even find it on Google! Thanks Dave, I'll make the correction!
  2. Hi everyone, Does anyone have Cutting Edge's Tu-16 Badger decals? I know, it's long out of production. I don't need the complete sheet, all I need is the markings for the PLAAF bird. Would appreciate the help here, thanks!
  3. Felinoid, Get in touch with Guy Holroyd of Linden Hill Imports. He'll hook you up with one. LHI is a bunch of fantastic folks. The whole company's on vacation until May 6 though. Not affiliated with them, just a happy customer.
  4. That's fantastic, Ken. I was about to start my own until I saw yours and practically gave up!!!
  5. Hey Ken, So is A-Market where you get your Amonster from?
  6. Hi everyone, I could have sworn someone out there sells 1/72 dials and gauges, but for the life of me can't remember who. Can anyone joh my memory? Thanks!
  7. Hi guys, Sorry if this is old news, but this is the first I've heard of it and I haven't seen a post about it lately: http://www.hlj.com/product/fuj72222 Now to me it looks like an F-22 so let's not concern ourselves with that for now, but it looks like some major buildage fun there!
  8. Crap! Well, I hope Fujimi has a good customer service program because I can't remove them without damaging them.
  9. Hi everyone, Would someone tell me if the slats on the A-4 always deployed when the aircraft is on the ground? I might have erm, accidentally glued them shut.
  10. I did it! I emptied out the excess oil, removed the air filter (yes it was saturated with oil), then removed and cleaned out the spark plug. Wiped off excess oil, gave it 2 pulls, and it started!!! I then let it run for 5 minutes without the filter until I stopped getting smoke. Thanks everyone for your pointers!!! I'm starting to get used to this homeownership stuff. :D
  11. Hi Tornado, Thanks. The mower's got a Briggs & Stratton engine (Troy-Bilt 460, not 675). I'll refill and try again. With some research I think the dripping oil was the result of access oil going out some other intake port of some kind. I'll clean it up and try again.
  12. That is so freaking awesome that the RSAF is flying the Mudhen.... ...so when's the decals coming out? One order of 1/72 for me, please!!!
  13. THAT'S your first project since your teens? Holy crap!
  14. Congratulations Felinoid! You're right, a job is a job, and who knows, maybe it's a stepping stone to something greater. Now, don't forget your forklift safety training: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVssz2VMJVM
  15. Alright everyone, thanks. I'm going to look into disconnecting the spark plug tomorrow morning and cleaning the fluids out. I'll let you guys know what happens. I do have to figure out what the deal is with the white smoke though. Like Darwin says, it's not likely the seals but the leaking is quite disconcerting.
  16. Thanks everyone, I've tried everything you guys suggested. The mower starts now, but spews thick white smoke, probably a result of oil somewhere dripping. Not sure why it'd leak though, this is only the 2nd time I've used it. I'm going to start wiping off the excess oil and putting a pan or something somewhere. PS Mike - my buddy hasn't contacted me yet about the kit, I'll keep you updated.
  17. Hi everybody, n00b homeowner here. I'm mowing my lawn today when the lawnmower suddenly stops. I figure I didn't put enough gas in it so I top it off, and just to make sure I look at my oil tank and figure it could use more oil, so I pour in some 10-30W (as stated in the manual). While I'm pouring in I suddenly hear a bubbling/gurgling sound as the oil comes up to the rim, then suddenly goes down (wait for it). I try to pull the starting cord and it doesn't pull. I sit around for another 15 minutes, wonder why, try it again and it starts, and suddenly there's thick white smoke everywhere
  18. Well I'm trying to get Komorans and a Tornado, so I figure I could kill two birds with one stone and get everything in one box.
  19. Hi all, Do you have this kit? If so, let me know if you'd like to part with it. Thanks!
  20. Aaah, thanks everyone! Yeah, the AMRAAMS do look a lot cooler on the wingtips too!
  21. Hey everybody, This thought occured to me yesterday while looking at F-16s - why are the AMRAAMS mounted on the wingtip rails, while AIM-9/Pythons are mounted on the underwing pylon? I'm assuming that the AMRAAM is heavier than the AIM-9, and that it would be a better idea to put the heavier item inboard rather than at the tip. Thanks in advance for the insight guys!
  22. Wow, that's a beaut. Hopefully we'll see Zvezda release a kit of this (2 for me please!)
  23. Back to this topic....I managed to primer over a clear part. The base layer is Tamiya acrylic black, with Tamiya fine primer on top. If I strip it, will it craze the plastic?
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