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Posts posted by Supertom

  1. I found out about Ted's passing this morning on my Facebook feed somehow. I loved his builds. If I my memory is correct, I met him briefly at the 2002 Virginia Nationals. I will miss his articles and his personality.

  2. Where did you buy the kit from? I tried contacting Stevens a couple of years back for a missing wheel on a 1/32 F-7 and they basically told me I was SOL. Hopefully they've improved their Trumpeter customer service. I've had better luck with Squadron - I called them one time because I was missing a sprue and they sent me a replacement.

  3. Sorry you had such bad luck Nerdling. I've bought stuff from them quite a bit and they seem to have better luck with the esoteric stuff compared to Squadron. Like the others said they're a bit slow with the shipping and order processing but if you're patient they'll get you taken care of.

  4. In order to make the pod detachable, I have inserted two rare earth magnets into the bottom of the fuselage and another two in the top of the pod (thanks Supertom :thumbsup: ).

    Least I could do - you've given me years of Flanker color info! It's a beautiful build Ken - can't wait to see the magazine article!

  5. Is a great trader! Where do I begin?

    He always responded to my questions.

    He packed the stuff up pretty well and was quick about it too.

    He even left a little surprise - an aftermarket metal barrel for the T-80.

    Thanks Felinoid! :D

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