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Everything posted by Supertom

  1. Oops, that took faster than I thought. Funny, took me 30 minutes of tinkering around, and as soon as I decided to post this notice my next fix resolved the issue in 5 seconds!
  2. Hi all, Whatifmodelers.com is currently down due to a database crash. I've done a partial repair and am working on upgrading the forum database to match the server database. This might take a while. I apologize for the inconvenience!
  3. So that's what I've been doing wrong.
  4. There are similarities for sure but I'm sure if Hobbyboss were to recycle it would have refined the mold (eg slightly different layouts on some parts, one-piece ejection seat, smaller bombs, nicer AIM-9s, different instrument panel. Hey, if it was based on the Italeri kit I wouldn't complain too much. And hopefully it'll be cheap!
  5. Holy cow! It's a nice looking kit! I hope it's in the sub-$20 range, I'd buy a bunch of them.
  6. Uganda has Su-30s?!?!?! Wow.....that looks pretty sweet.
  7. Hey CeeTee, I could scan you a copy of mine if that'll work. I haven't built mine yet so I need to hang on to it.
  8. Nice! Hope you guys are planning on releasing it in 1/72 as well!
  9. Hi Raymond, Are there any plans to release the French weapons set in 1/72? I was also wondering if there are any plans to release PLAAF weapons as well, such as LGBs, etc. I'm surprised Trumpeter hasn't gotten into it either. I've considered looking in the Dreammodels sets but they only sell them at a par of each and I need something like 16 FT-1 bombs!
  10. Damn...I gotta steal that paint scheme idea too!
  11. Maybe the kit has fins for the Silent Eagle too! That would be sweet!
  12. Yeah, I stepped into my LHS and spotted two cans of the stuff.....so I bought 'em both.
  13. Hey Jennings, did you spend time in Kalamazoo? By the way if you can get enough information to create a decal set out of that I'd be interested.
  14. Aw, man! I haven't seen you since the '05 show. And even then I can't really remember if you were there!
  15. Oh yeah, it's pretty slick. I've got it on my laptop and phone, and the account is synched to my Kindle device so I have my books with me everywhere I go! Pretty nifty eh?
  16. Glad to hear Steve! Hope everyone else is OK too.
  17. Hey all, My wife's purchased a ton of dollhouse furniture and promptly put me in charge of putting it together. Since this stuff isn't IKEA, is there a recommended wood glue to use? I was thinking of Gorilla Glue but I remembered that the stuff expands. I was at Hobbytown today and was amazed at the varieties of wood glue they have. Even Testor's has two kinds - brown tube (wood) and green tube (wood & metal). Any good recommendations then? I gotta pick some up later today.
  18. That's sad to hear, condolences to his family.
  19. Aha! Fixed! Anyone who doesn't have it working, clear your browser cache.
  20. Yep, me too. I'm using Chrome. Works on IE8 though.
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