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Everything posted by Supertom

  1. I'm not a truck driver, but my father-in-law is one and he is one hard-working son of a gun. For him the part about it that he hates the most is time away from family. It's also dangerous work and we all worry when he's out on the road. He's been driving trucks for most of his life now so my mother-in-law and wife were used to it - I think that the one major contributing factor to their ability to weather just about anything has been their faith. Also keep in mind that this job has very little room for error - I know a guy who'd been driving for 7 years, 1,000,000 miles under his belt, a
  2. You COULD get away with that - Binder Park Zoo at Battle Creek is pretty impressive, especially their Safari exhibit. They're also one of the few places that has an exhibit of the endangered Mexican Gray Wolf. Try that and see if you can get away with it. Oh, and if she wants cuddly they do have a pair of adorable red panda cubs. ;)
  3. It is ON like DONKEY KONG! I'll need to dig out my IPMS K-zoo tshirt.
  4. Hey all, Has anyone tried printing gray decals on a monochrome laser printer, or know if it'll work? I'm trying to replace some stencils I lost and I was wondering about printing them on clear decal paper.
  5. If you haven't seen it already, Malcolm Reid did a really awesome F1AZ, albeit in 1/48, all bombed up and ready to kick butt. His article might be able to give you some pointers on what to do.
  6. Hey all, Is there anyone at the Omaha Nats selling PART photoetch? I'm looking for the obscure Tu-22M3 interior/exterior etch sets. Thanks!
  7. Hi John, Are you looking for the Revellogram EA-6A or B? I've got the A if that's what you're looking for.
  8. I've signed up and looking forward to more Revell goodness!
  9. Pierrig, awesome job on that MiG-23MF!!!! I will definitely be using your build as a reference when I build my next MiG-23!
  10. Well crap, I do fly my stuff around the room making "jet engine noises." Thanks for the suggestion!
  11. Doh. So much for that. Thanks Ken!
  12. Hey B-52 builders, Got a question about how the wings mount on the 1/72 Monogram kit. Do the wings need to be glued in or do they "snap in" like the way the wings mount on the Monogram B-17? The reason I'm asking is that it'd be nice if I take the wings off for storage and transport as it's a huge kit. Thanks!
  13. Hi Mark, Will you be bringing other inventory as well then? I'm interested in the 1/72 B-58 sheets.
  14. Hi Yufei, Can you verify that the cockpit is 30mm too low? 30mm is more than the height of the top of the canopy to the bottom of the fuselage. Did you mean to say 3mm? Thanks,
  15. Ahhhh. Yep, that's what I was looking for. Thanks!
  16. Hey Jennings, I remember vaguely that you commented something about the new 1/72 NB-52 with X-15 having the parts for a specific version, but I can't for the life of me find that post. I only recall something about a window. Would you happen to remember what it was? Thanks! PS Tried to send you this message in PM but got a bounceback. I think your mailbox is full.
  17. That's sad. I heard it on the radio on the way back from work but the report said the officer survived.
  18. My liege,* Fotios Rouch has a good build of it over at Cybermodeler: Trumpeter Su-24 Build * It was awkward to say "Hi King of the Britains, :P "
  19. Hi Jim, I haven't heard anything about Nine O Nine, but Liberty Belle was unfortunately destroyed in a fire after an emergency landing in Aurora, IL on the way to Indianapolis. Fortunately the crew managed to get out safely. Here's an article about it: http://articles.chicagobreakingnews.com/2011-06-13/news/29654594_1_engine-fire-wwii-bomber-fiery-landing
  20. ....look fantastic! Nice work Ian. I have to ask though, exactly what is the matter with the Hasegawa/Revell CFTs in terms of shape?
  21. Hi all, I'm looking for the windshield on the KC-135 kit in 1/72 AMT/AMTech/Italeri KC-135 series aircraft. Doesn't have to be brand new - if you have a junked kit I'll take it. Thanks for looking! tom
  22. Well I'm looking forward to this!
  23. Hi Dick, I have this same kit and I haven't really looked at the instruction sheet that closely, but I will check it and see if there's a possibility yours has the wrong sheet. If that's the case I'll scan it for you. Also, Raymond and Co are very good about fixing mistakes so you could just drop him a PM and he'll take care of you.
  24. Thanks for the notes, Qian! Dumb question - are the CFTs on the F-15K and SG different in shape to the E and I? I'll be doing mine in 1/72 so I'm either using the Hase/Revell or Academy kit.
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