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Ollie T-Y

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About Ollie T-Y

  • Rank
    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 05/27/1991

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  • Location
    West Midlands, UK

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  1. Do a quick test and spray onto some plastic spoons or something; one with your original thinners and one with the new stuff.
  2. Woah, that was like time travel!
  3. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tornado_sig/revell-1-48th-tornado-t555.html Thats the IPMS Tonka page, it's a goldmine for build advice. SHaun has some great alterations to the manual to make sure things go together a bit smoother. He's also the guy that makes some nice resin bits (including detailed wing seals) https://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topic/234966619-revell-148th-raf-tornado-gr1a/ This build has alot of good stuff in too.
  4. Follow a good guide of the Revell kit and you'll dodge the issues with the kit.
  5. Eduard also putting out the GR1 kit, should be a nice year!
  6. It's been due for a few years on the trot now, Keeps getting pushed back with no sign of it!
  7. I have more than enough kits to build, but this kit is so tempting especially with this scheme on the cards. Great work!
  8. Much need for filler or modifications? Looks like a nice build.
  9. It's a really brilliant kit, just pay attention around the intake fit to the fuselage. Besides that it's wonderful.
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