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About modelldoc

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    Tenax Sniffer (Open a window!)
  • Birthday 08/07/1956

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  1. It based on the 04275 Boeing 747-8 kit; see it at the stand with both names. b 747-8 / B-747-8F modelldoc
  2. Remember, when the clock strikes 12 in the night in Germany you can see all the news from Revell of Germany here: http://www.plastik-modellbau.org/ modelldoc
  3. modelldoc

    Chinese B-25

    And here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21603181@N08/5324656539/ or here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/21603181@N08/5351246527/ All in 1:72 . modelldoc
  4. Watch the news from last Saturday, during the big parade in Pyongyang a Mi-26 flew over the city. modelldoc
  5. It will be never produced in the future, so it's a rare kit.Postal costs are not cheap from Europe to the US (up to 30 Dollar) Make me an offer! modelldoc
  6. There are two, you need this for the different loadings, here in Germany. modelldoc
  7. These kits coming in September and October: http://www.plastik-modellbau.org/blog/herbstneuheiten-von-revell-septemberoktober-2013/2013/#more-23277 modelldoc
  8. Have a look here: http://www.plastik-modellbau.org/blog/testshots-gebaut-revells-ju-88-a-4-in-132/2013/ It's a final test shot. modelldoc
  9. Hi, that's are test sprues, but looks nice: http://www.plastik-modellbau.org/blog/testshots-vorgestellt-messerschmitt-bf-109-g-6-revell-132/2013/#more-20735 modelldoc
  10. My once is black too. Like the forces version of the trainer more. The kit was repop last in 1995 by Revell under Matchbox label. modelldoc
  11. Hey, Here is a website with a lot of pictures, all from VNAF: http://vnafmamn.com/index.html There you can find a lot of different pictures. modelldoc
  12. The kit is a former Heller kit. modelldoc
  13. Hi, I'm looking for information about the Lockheed 14H Super Electra in BOAC service. The eight former Imperial Airways machines were used for service from Perth to Stockholm and from 28 June 1940 four examples were based in egypt. The G-AFKE "Lothair" was the first BOAC aircraft to land at Castel benito airfield few hours after the enemy forces had departed. BOAC used the former polish LOT planes G-AGAV and G-AGBG. Were all this planes camouflaged, what are the registration fom the other, have anybody pictures or a link? Thanks in advance. modelldoc
  14. Than have a look here: http://www.plastik-modellbau.org/blog/dpmv-galerie-revells-neue-boeing-747-8/2013/#more-17630 modelldoc
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