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Everything posted by model_madness

  1. OK sounds fair so far! No woorries, I'm certainly no river counter, almost certainly a goodnuff as I have 50% of my stash Monograms!, loads of Academy, some HB etc - really got better things to do in my free time than take a mould to bits online...but at least fair accuracy and quality is what im after, and of course a reasonable price! I like to at least make a semi informed decision to buy or wait it out.... thanks for the 1st installment, waiting with baited breath for the next!
  2. Cheers Matt, got a few q's re quality of some of those releases compared with earlier stuff... :blink: 1.How do the Hase and Academy Raptors compare to the Italeri in terms of accuracy, fit, etc 2.Can you comment likewise on the HB Tornado IDS 3.HB and Trump Thuds vs Revell and old Monogram kits? 4. AFV F-5E is it much better than the old CA, Revell, Italeri versions? 5. Trump Su-24? 6.Seriously interested in the Bronco or Trump J-10A or maybe C? Whats the verdict on these? 7. Trump J-8 ? 8. Bronco JF-17 ?
  3. Looking to upgrade/increase my stash in this area I know prior to 2008 not a lot was done in this scale, hopefully there has now been more stuff released in last few yrs??? Anyway, PM me with what have you....Mig, Su, etc thanks
  4. might be interested in the A variant, UK or European sellers only due to shipping costs. PM me with price. thanks
  5. Yes, that's what a starting a new hobby and related business, a divorce and lifes little detours can do to you...awful I know, should be deemed sinfull But hey, look on the bright side, I'M BACK! I already have at least one fairly decent kit of most Cold War and some Modern in my 1/48 and 1/32 stash which I had collected prior to 2008, but I know that loads??? has been released/remoulded since then... so, can we make this thread a refresher and try and list all/some of the re/releases/remoulds/new moulds in above era's that are my main area of interest, as it might be time for me to put
  6. Fantastic morning read spooky, made a refreshing change to the usual hum drum, complaints and woe be me's I usually encounter as I make my way through the last few days postings here... :D Some wonderful shots there, good eye I see you have. Will be checking back for your updates for sure! P.S Make sure you get a shot of the eclipse if you can (weather permitting :) ) ; some ppl I know have paid big money to go to China just to see it!
  7. 53. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb .... :unsure: you must be f*kcin kiddin me! the ignorance of youth.
  8. Holy! that looks like an air extraction system at a manufacturing plant rather than from inside a modelling room!
  9. She's a beaut, that's a lovely build!
  10. I hate people who don;t have the courtesy to respond to emails, especially if youv'e given them your money! Perhaps he had/has a valid excuse? Lets wait and see if he responds to your appeal.
  11. Not sure if it is relevant to OP, but I heard from a long time modelling friend , that Future here in the UK had changed their formulation recently. I know the old Future worked wonders for most of us, not sure how/if the "new" formula might affect yellowing
  12. Wow those Raptor shots are just You really caught the power and grace of the bird Ken, by the way what DSLR/lenses you using to take shots?
  13. thanks G, i got a few Su-25s and those jets are way too modern, im more 50s-60s with v few exceptions. cheers anyway mate
  14. 2 Sexy birds Love the colour scheme! p.s ur one lucky guy with friends like that who needs a g/f
  15. I'm based in UK so would prefer UK/European sellers, but willing to pay for reasonable postage from US/Asia. Cheers Kevin
  16. Fortunately, I moved from using enamels to acrylics a while back,never did like them anyway.
  17. I was planning my future builds recently, and, after some thought, hauled out my selection from the stash. Upon closer inspection of the kits I have some questions for you guys. I'm not too concerned about 100% accuracy,more the fit and detail so bare this in mind when replying please 1. Academy Mig-21PF Good? Any other 21's around currently better than this? 2. Academy Hawker Hunter FGA.9 Whats this build like? Any other manufactuers released this or other version in 48th? 3. Hobyy Boss Mirage III CJ From initial inspection this looks like a super kit, decals look ace. Right? 4. I
  18. That's what had me stumped, my Mono F-105s are green plastic not tan! This must be the new RM release??
  19. Any model of a SAAF a/c is close to my heart, but the Mirage is one of my fav's Your's looks gr8 already ATC, and welcome to ARC!
  20. OK help me out here, you say the HB kit is incorrect, so why have you cut the Monogram tail one down to equal HB ones size?
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