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About Flush

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    Rivet Counter
  • Birthday 01/21/1974

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  1. Did you scratch build the ordinance? Any pictures??
  2. That is the greatest thing I've seen in a long time!!! I was literally laughing so hard my wife came over and saw what was wrong with me. That is AWESOME work. Great job!!!!!
  3. This is the test shot of the Su-27 pen we are doing. The metal parts will be silver in color and the barrels of the pen can be anything from resin to painted aircraft colors with decals.
  4. Good Day All, So I managed to get enough pictures so my designer could come up with the following. We still have a little more work but here is what we have so far:
  5. Good Day All, So I'm still doing some modeling but waiting until the summer arrives here in Florida when I will be forced out of my wood shop. So anyways, I'm getting into the pen making business (trust me it will be cool) Ernie from GFactor is doing some awesome work with me so you know it will be top notch. I have most of the 3D OBJ or STL files I need to print for mold making but I'm missing the JHMCS shell and visor details. I have the 3D files for the HGU-55 to add it on just not the outer portions of the JHMCS. Does anyone have access to any of these files?
  6. Greetings all my modeling brothers. It's been a while since I've been active here. I just retired from 24 years with the Air Force, got married, graduated college, and moved to Florida, all in the month of August 2016. So in moving from Colorado to Florida, almost all of my models suffered battle damage, and I'm still greaving that just a bit. So in the "winter" here in Flordia, I am working on my other hobby, pen making. I make pens on a lathe either out of wood or acrylic resin. I am currently trying to make some aircraft themed pens. My current project is a WWI Albatros DV pen. I've
  7. Bump....... Does anyone have just two little dudes in their stashes they're not using?
  8. Good Morning All:) I'm building a three ship diorama of the 2005 TMOTA birds that went to Idaho. I have enough (and the right kind) of pilots for the Vipers, but I'm short two pilots for the F-15E. I have tried to find pilots with the MBU-20 masks and HGU-55 helmets in the aftermarket world, with no joy. Just let me know how much you want for them and shipping. Thanks, Flush
  9. Thanks for looking. I really appreciate it. Does anyone else have this kit? I only need the subdued 242 decals not the whole sheet. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Flush
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