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About thom

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    My figners are guled tegother
  • Birthday 08/28/1979

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    Sheffield, UK

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  1. Very nice build. The finish on your exterior paintwork is very convincing.
  2. It's not just trim tabs, you know - today I changed the rudder control arm. It's not wholly accurate (the real thing sandwiches the bracket on the rudder), but it'll do. Had to be done so that I could pose the rudder at full deflection. Looks like there's lots of cleaning up still to do, little scraps of plastic everywhere. Thanks for popping by.
  3. Had a go at one of the other trim tabs tonight, and thought it might be interesting to show a comparison with the kit moulding, since there's one left I haven't done yet. This is the Tamiya representation (which is better than it has any right to be on a mass-produced kit, and really doesn't need to be replaced): And here's its twin on the other side after surgery (hmm, looks a bit messy, think I'll have to clean up a bit): The deflection is probably way larger than it was in real life, but this was done more for the effect than for true accuracy.
  4. Well, it's been just short of 2 years since I posted an update, and in that time I've managed to achieve this: I've repositioned the rudder trim tab and added a brass wire actuator arm. Apologies for the quality of the picture, but it's only 2mm long and the macro mode on my camera is a bit weak. I'm hoping the pace picks up a bit from here on in, because at this rate I'll be more than 300 years old when its finished, and I really can't see anyone hanging around to find out how it went.
  5. Really amazing work so far, please don't let yourself stop!
  6. Fantastic attention to detail, Pascal. I'm impressed you managed to fit everything in so neatly, given how much detail you've added. Also, I love Miss Clementine! Must be a dream to fly.
  7. I think you'll surprise yourself if you try it freehand - it's simpler than you might think. The key is practising on a bit of scrap plastic first - maybe try taking an old ice cream tub and spraying it up like your kit, and have a practise. The only recommendation I can make is to maybe try a slightly thicker than normal paint mix (well, less thinned) and a higher flow rate, so each of the squiggles only requires one pass. You'll never make them look right if you have to go over them again. But practise, practise, practise first! Great kit, loved building mine.
  8. Great subject, nicely finished. How was the kit?
  9. Agree with all above - beautiful work, and would love to see something for scale. Raw stats of wingspan of 79cm and length of 99cm are frightening, but don't tell the whole story!
  10. Ohhh, now that is lovely. Cockpit work is tremendous.
  11. Thanks, kind of you to say. Had a bit of fun dry fitting things: Hardly any of these bit are glued to any of the other bits yet, but it goes to show how well engineered this kit is. You can also see that I've been playing around with the location of the 43 Sqn logo. What you see there is a photocopy of one of the three layers of the decal, which I've used to check whether or not my original idea for the scheme would work. And the answer is no, it won't work. The issue is having to split the decal across the tail and the rudder, which, with three layers to accurately slice and recombine i
  12. Btw, Madbox, the build thread is here: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?showtopic=250499 I have it bookmarked....
  13. Probably the finest Mustang ever built. Certainly the finest I've ever seen. Your In Progress thread will form my key reference when building my own copy of this kit - I doubt I'll be able to come close to how incredible this is, however. Thanks for taking so much effort to write such thorough threads regarding your builds, thereby producing an invaluable resource for the rest of us.
  14. Yeah, I think you're right, that would look good. The Xtradecal sheet I bought for the 43 Sqn codes has the checkers, so it would be quite easy to incorporate them. Thanks for the idea.
  15. Since I'm going to begin to put big, important things together soon, I thought I'd elaborate a little on the scheme I'm planning. A few years back, I bought Model Alliance decal sheet for a Hawk in 208 Sqn 90th anniversary colours (this sheet). The Hawk turned out like this: Also on the sheet were the decals for a 90th anniversary Tornado from 43 Sqn. It's quite a famous scheme; here's a link to a picture of it on JetPhotos.net. Although I have no intention of building the Tornado (when I do one, it'll be a dirty grey one!), I did take rather a shine to the decal, and promised I'd use it o
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