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About oldHooker

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    "As if hell itself had entered the battlefield"

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    North Carolina

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  1. Thank you all, VERY much, and especially those who have already beat the dragon! It is indeed a powerful dragon to beat, and one that doesn't seem worth it at the time, but wow, to be able to breath without wheezing, sleep through the night, taste food better, smell better.... and the underlying thoughts of; "I've came this far without them, I'd be a fool to even get near them again!" And yes... Money, money, money, meney!!! We were spending $390/month just on cigarettes... can you believe that.... that fact alone makes me sick when I start adding it all up; we were just burning it u
  2. Thanks... I'm serious, we weren't looking to quit; a friend who runs the little store where we bought our smokes handed me two of those starter kits two months ago and said "Try Them, they're on the house!" We did, and by golly the craving just disappeared; the tiny hits of nicotine in the Cig2O's satisfied the need, in our minds anyhow...then after a couple weeks we laid the Cig20's down, and just like that it was behind us. <:-)
  3. Happy to report it's been two months today since Lisa or I have had a cigarette!! YAY!!! We went cold turkey with the help of those electric Cig2O vapor sticks.... no withdrawals what so ever from this 2 pack a day/18 year habit!! Forgot how good it feels to breath normally!
  4. How true that is.... for any of us that have had to endure positive G's, It may start as a laugh, but then we grimace in an "I completely understand" kind of way.
  5. Flapping a B-747 http://floatingmid.com/1pieceflapSlatbrace.jpg http://floatingmid.com/flapbraces11.jpg http://floatingmid.com/aluminumovercast2.jpg http://floatingmid.com/finished10.jpg http://floatingmid.com/klm17.jpg http://floatingmid.com/klm19.jpg http://floatingmid.com/kflaps2.jpg http://floatingmid.com/NGwingslats.jpg http://floatingmid.com/teaser1.jpg http://gunsagogo.org/buildingflaps.jpg http://gunsagogo.org/if7.jpg http://gunsagogo.org/rtinbdslat3.jpg --- Here's some other easy homemade "detailing" tips that can enhance any modeling project, and best of all, they're c
  6. Those are AWESOME "Walk Arounds" of the TE & LE devices, Kotey!! (Living proof that listening to Jennings is not always advised!) LOL Streetstream - I have done home-made slotted flaps and attachement methods for other aircraft, but the techniques could be applied to your build.... if you'd be interested in the "step-by-steps" I did, I'd be happy to post them for you. Take care, Frank
  7. Hi streetstream.... here are a few that show the fwd slot gaps and angles pretty well.
  8. Hi Steamboy, It's true, filling & decaling the transparencies is a shortcut to a clean, solid-looking desktop model. If that's your goal, save some time and money and buy one of the snap-together pre-built/ painted/decalled resin display planes. We all strive for more detail, more realistic builds, but for some mysterious reason, Airliner models are given a pass (it's too small/no one could see in them anyway), when actually, Airliners offer the opportunity to SHOWCASE ones modeling skills! And the wonderful part about it is, detailing isn't NEAR as time consumiung and expe
  9. Don't know.... there's going to be (and probably already are) a deluge of wrongful death and personal injury suits come out of all this, and the lawyers are going to be blood hungry for someone to blame. I doubt the public will ever know more than the sanitized "media" release version of what caused it.
  10. A few years ago, Bob Hannah was flying Voodoo (at that time it was called Voodoo Chile), he was in the Valley of Speed (the back side of the course) when he lost the trim tab. He shot up pulling 9-10g's just like Leeward did this time. Hannah blacked out from the G's and didn't come too until the aircraft had topped out, and later stated he had black rubber from the hand grip on the front of his helmet, apparently where his head went into his lap when the aircraft shot up abruptly. Think of it like this; if you were in your car going 400+mph and suddenly encountered a 30 or 40 degree
  11. You're right, the aft bulkhead wouldn't allow the seat/him to lay back.
  12. Being on the 4th lap of a 6 lap event, there was still plenty enough fuel to ignite; a miraculous fluke, as a fireball would have claimed many more lives --- With Jimmy's position in the cockpit at the top of the roll, I'm guessing his face/throat/chest made contact with the control stick as well.
  13. Terrible, terrible situation... There's one question I haven't seen addressed here, or on any other media outlet, and that is why didn't the fuel ignite upon impact? I can never recall a high speed impact like that without a resulting fireball.
  14. Flapping a B-747 Realistic Landing Lights Detailed Landing Gear Speed-Blurring runway numbers Realistic Airliner Windows Hi there Eduardo, nice seeing you again; thanks for refereencing me! I had to take a break from modeling, mostly to concentrate on the prosecution of the patent application for the mirror displays. (which was successful and is now Issued Patent #8021238!!)
  15. Jelle, that is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!
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