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    Winterthur area, Switzerland

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  1. Just wow. How such a basic product can undergo a transformation and come out looking like this is simply amazing.
  2. IKEA Besta with the glass doors. Unfortunately the doors are out of production and it took me quite some ebay and other searches to track enough of them. I figure they offer space for 100 models in mixed 72nd and 48th scale. Currently I am at 57, and at my rate of 5/y I should run out of space around 2030. Mostly 1/48, then some cars, 1/700 fleet and RC stuff all around. Opposite wall in 1/72. Difficult to light properly, I am in the basement. Blue skies, Andy
  3. I finished one model end of last year, and since have started about three more.. I figure I should finish at least two builds which are in paining stage now, before starting this F-18 build in full. On the subject, I chose the high-viz CAG bird. Also have an F-14D with VF-31 decals in the waiting line, they will look nice next to each other. So far I just glued the top and bottom wings and ended up with some seams across the flaps which needs a bit of care. Blue skies, Andy
  4. Alright...I know I shouldn't...but I could't resist... although I have a number of builds ongoing, notably a leftover from the F-14 group build, I decided to join this GB with a F/A-18E in the dress of the VFA-31 Tomcatters. It seems a fairly simple kit and should allow me to complete it in the course of one year. There are many more Bugs in the stash but let's not overdo it. Plan is to build straight from the box, with the only aftermarket the decals from Twobobs. Now off to the table and let's go! Blue skies, Andy
  5. That is an excellent build! Like the subtle weathering and finish.
  6. Kurt and Corky, very nice work on these warbirds. They are a part of history. Motivates me to advance mine. Blue skies, Andy
  7. Hello all, recently finished the Hasegawa F-35A 1/72. This is a great kit and a joy to work on. However for me it was an off-on-build over two years and not my finest shot...as happens with these delayed projects stuff gets forgotten or overlooked..I simply forgot to tint the canopy, and the rear canopy edge is misplaced. Purely due to me not the kit. The paining took some trials as the RAM tape color needs to match the decals. After all, a nice addition to any modern jets collection. Blue skies, Andy
  8. Hello all, happy to start a new group build and this is the perfect occasion to finally get started on this kit. I will be building the CAG bird of VF-154 ca 2003. I got the kit in 2004 I believe...I will add aftermarket decals from Fightertown and some external stores from the Hasegawa weapons set. My copy of the kit requires quite some cleanup of some ejection marks but other than that it will be a straightforward build. The box: Decals and external stores: Some of the main parts:
  9. Nice to see the Academy kit brought out, I will use the same for my VF-154 entry. I saw on my copy that the kit takes some cleanup effort. Looking forward to your build! Blue skies, Andy
  10. Knight 100: I'll be entering the VF-154 'Black Knights' CAG bird, built from a Academy 1/72 kit and Fightertown decals.
  11. I'd sure be in. Got 5 kits in 72 scale in the stash, plus one 48 and two in 32. This will kick me off for sure.
  12. Very nice, thanks for sharing. Inspires me to build mine. Like the weathering. Interesting about the decals, I had the problem you describe on a 1/32 Tomcat ca 20 years ago, seems they didnt figure it out😖 Andy
  13. Some on and off progress on this build. The major parts are together. It feels like 10% of the plastic volume was removed in the trimming process. Still left to sand and fill some gaps. On the upside the stabs fit so nicely that they will only be glued on after painting. The oil cooler shutter and radiator shutter were made from sheet styrene. The cooler intake takes some more work also (it is molded shut). Then the canopy goes on and the painting starts.
  14. Not so much to show here...The fuselage is closed up and sanding and trimming in progress: Still missing some filling and rescribing along the seams. When dryfitting the wing to the fuselage I noticed the leading edge seems totally off. The sweep at the wing root is pronounced as on the later P-51D when for the B model there should be less of kink. But worse, the remainder of the leading edge sweep towards the tip seems too straight. The whole wing shape just looks off. Will have to compare it to drawings to be sure. I'm not decided yet whether to fix the outer
  15. The level of added detail is absolutely stunning🤩🤩🤩
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