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Phil Ciborowski

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Everything posted by Phil Ciborowski

  1. Will do - Thanks! I have been on vacation and away the last few days. I appreciate the help all around!
  2. I saw that post -And I have seen some.... lets say interesting replies to help requests there. So whatever is said I take with a grain of salt lol. What I might do is try and compare the Revell 319 to the Zvezda 320 and mark up the 320 to see where the best cuts are - but I was trying to avoid finding that old build
  3. I have found several graphical representations of how and what to do in order to make the 747-400 from a Zevezda 8i (see below), and similar chop conversions for the 767 and 777 - but for the life of me I cant find anything similar for the A320- to A319. I searched the "New" airlinercafe, but nothing. Is there someplace else I missed? Thanks!
  4. Just to be clear - the brown I used was mixed and matched to the brown printed within the UPS logo on the decal sheet. I have zero idea how that matches to the real Pullman brown. I think if I was to do it again, I might make it a bit darker (a shade or 2). In bright sunlight it looks a bit too bright to me (and I am annoyed that the engine white doesn't match too).
  5. The kit was great - I have seen people rip on it for being a mess. But I didnt blast through it.. The only issue was the bottom between the landing gear - that took a bit of finesse but other than that, it was great - I have 2 more to do as well as a few 800i's. So Ill defer if needed - but from what I remember, Pullman brown is an old railroad color that was used by UPS because of its "elegant" feel and look - and yes its copyrighted - see HERE From what I have seen the brown has not changed at all during UPS's history so the older cheat line livery is (in theory) the sam
  6. I mixed my own from Tamiya brown, with a drop of black as needed to match the brown section of the decal (which is what the tail logo is. I have more images on my site. https://philciborowski.weebly.com/uploads/1/1/1/1/111128705/ups-747-5_orig.jpg
  7. Super excited with how this is looking! I am taking copious notes so (hopefully) mine can be half as good! Where did you get the cockpit PE from? And have you run across for any for the EF? I might just snag two and use those, since the canopy does not have an option to be opened..
  8. Following with great interest - I have these kits myself and was looking for just this type of thread!
  9. It's actually in Garden City, New York (Long Island). Best place to go if you want to see one of these up close and in person. Much better than the Air and Space Museum IMO.
  10. Just watched those videos - rekindled my need to build an airliner (and not one for my classroom!) I thank you, my wallet does not!
  11. I built 3 of them, and thats the construction method i chose for the 2 that survived. One is AF, the Other BA, and the AF one - the nose works.. yea its not the greatest kit but its still Concorde, and its still 1/72 and its still very impressive when finished.
  12. First post back here in a long, long time- and i have to say that this is simply spectacular! fantastic work!
  13. looks like its going to be a winner! i love that scheme too!
  14. I was going to do that same S/N but in the blue and silver Air France scheme... but i could not find any decals for it... soooo im thinking for my next two, the orig. schemes from BA and AF, in the red tail, large BRITISH and that blue silver scheme for AF Thanks for all the kind words! They are greatly appreciated
  15. i cant seem to find the exact one right now, which is annoying, but i know that after reading, and finding out first hand, how bad the fore, middle and aft section build went together, it was suggested, that you build the right side as a unit, and the left side as a unit, leaving the nose off as its own piece... the issue will be that the small piece of vertical tail thats left on the main fuselage section will be much thinner than that of the rest of the vertical tail. to correct this on both my AF and BA Concordes, i used small triangles of .020 styrene (the real thin stuff) and Tenax'ed it
  16. I should also mention before i forget - that the tail logo is a strange beast to get fitted correctly... if you use the edges of the tail as a guide the bottom edge dosent line up to the actuators (on either side) and if using the trailing edge of the tail, the red/blue lines wont match up completely... which is slightly annoying... so some tamyia acrylic blue and red have been used to touch up the areas i wasnt happy with.
  17. I followed the kit directions for the first build, and did the same thing... but i found the build article someplace online, and did the right and left side subs and it worked like a charm... the seams are esaier to manage, and in some cases dissappear if done correctly.. the wing seam is still there are the root joint, and the tail needs a bit of a filler (tho with stock sheet plastic) to thicken up a bit to match, but its definately easier than the kits directions, which imho bite the big one... its definately a kit worth building if you can get past the directions and fit issues.
  18. I havent posted much of my latest builds on here, but i felt that i should share this one... I have a thing for these Airfix Concorde kits... this is the 3rd one i have built so far. And yes there are shortcomings in accuracy, and yes there are things i wish were different about seam placement, its still a great kit to work on... This one is done up in the Air France scheme from the Heller kit.. I was lucky enough to be able to swap decals with another ARC member, TrojanThunder (Ray) for them... so without his help this would not have been possible. Thanks! As with the other one i built... i
  19. looks simply amazing, and i cant wait to see whats next with this!
  20. <_< It was you, i should have PMed you first before posting.. thanks for the decals too! the build came out awesome, and i cant wait to get it all decaled up and next to my BA concorde.
  21. Does anyone have the decal instructions for the heller concorde (72nd scale) i have the airfix kit, and am using the heller decals i swapped with someone, but i didnt get the decal placement sheet so i have no clue where some of these go.. i tried looking online but cant find any pics of the directions that i can work with.. thanks a ton!
  22. Thats a very convincing what if build... nice work!
  23. this looks like its going to be an awesome build, both in detail and in size.. here is my meager attempt at the Revell 1/144 SCA with shuttle. i did this years ago, and made my own decals for it, to make the current scheme.. definately have to do one of these 1/72 scale builds to go with the shuttle stack tho! I Cant wait to see how this progresses!
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