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Everything posted by pminer

  1. Anybody know of where I can go to download the Academy F-4B Instruction Sheet? Or....if anyone has a .PDF I would be most grateful. The F-4B (Bravo) not the F-4C Vietnam bird! :) Thanks, Paul
  2. Hi...do you know who makes these "safety strips"? Can you send a pic? I'm having trouble finding them. Thanks for the tip!
  3. Where did you get these strips? Thx
  4. Great!...where do I get it? Do you know of any Flor paints specifically for models?
  5. I know this has probably been asked before but I couldn't find the thread. Are there florescent paints for the slime lights? I'd rather paint them than to do decals. Thanks!
  6. Thanks guys....but the problem is that I suck at painting Instrument Panels and switch consoles. I'm trying to find a quicker & easier way to do this. Suggestions welcome. Thanks
  7. Guys, I'm looking for the best 1/48 F-15C cockpit. I'm building a Monogram F-15C. I prefer the laminated type of Instrument Panel, etc. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  8. Thanks! I missed the 144 part.
  9. What do they mean the 1/72 A400M is a "new shape"?
  10. Can you repost the link. It didn't work for me. Thanks! Update: I think this may be the correct link. Thanks for the tip!!
  11. INDEED! For the price, the quality and the Customer Service....ya just can't beat em! Even my most 'basic' models from Revell can build up into something very nice with some patience and good modeling skills.
  12. I ordered parts from Revell the other day. They sent me the wrong parts. Not entirely their fault. It was for an older C-17 from RoG. I didn't catch this. They sent me a really good 'object lesson' email. Just thought I'd pass it on in case you need to order parts. "...Anytime you have kit that is a Revell USA kit you should submit a separate order. Anytime you have a kit that is a Revell Germany kit you should submit a separate order. Revell USA kits will always begin with (85)xxxx and Germany kits will begin with (0)xxxx or (80)xxxx. Each will always show four digits following (85) for US
  13. If you're talking about the Revell Air Team F-16....it ain't half bad. I've got it and I think it would be perfect for a younger person just beginning. It can build up into something very nice.
  14. WOW! Great stuff! I didn't know about this. The KH kit is really nice. But I'll keep a close eye on this one. Academy is my new hero. They're producing some really great stuff.
  15. I was shocked to read that for the second year in a row that the most wanted model in all Subjects...in all scales...and in all types is... You guessed it....the C-5 in 1/144th scale. This is injection plastic...not resin! And one that is affordable. To be honest...I was blown away. My question is: How can ALL of the model manufacturers be missing this??????? And....does anybody know if there are plans on the drawing boards for a new tool 1/144th C-5? Forget the old Otaki molds! Make some new ones for crying out loud! Dang I feel better.... Chow.
  16. Beautiful F-4J! I'm working on one myself. Thanks for the pics. I like the black nose better than any others!
  17. Also...you may have to do some Googleing to find the correct FS number and RAL/RLM number. But this .PDF gives you options to look for you didn't have before. I have found all of my correct paints for my RoG models using this reference.
  18. Please note: The last 2 digits of the Revell of Germany paint numbers on the .PDF (such as 32101...32104....32105...etc) refer to the 2 digits of the paint number on the Instruction Sheet. I.E....'matt 68' on the instruction sheet is going to be 32168 on the .PDF downloaded from the website I sent you. Hope this helps! Paul
  19. Try this site. I think this is what you're looking for: >> http://www.revell.com/support/paint-guide.html
  20. Thanks Mark. But I'm mainly looking for the decal stenciling that goes on the radome. I didn't see those on the Wolfpak sheet. But thanks anyhow. Paul
  21. Dam. Know anything about said decals?
  22. Guys, I'm looking for this decal sheet. >>> http://www.arcair.com/Rev3/2401-2500/rev2437-ModelAlliance-MA72162/00.shtm Only problem is that when I email the Model Alliance sales people like their website says to do...the email is bounced back. I'm assuming Model Alliance is no longer of this world....? Anyway...do any of you have the above decal sheet? Or better yet...the decal sheet from the HELLER 1:72 E-3 F/E-3 B "AWACS" kit? Here >>> http://www.hlj.com/product/hel80383/Air Thanks! Paul
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