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Everything posted by pminer

  1. Great story and great model!! Love RM classics. What was your cancer and how did you beat it? I love good endings!!
  2. Anybody still have the USCG C-130J decals (72nd) that were being handed out (free) at the Nats a few years ago? It's a great sheet and yes I've a heck of a time with the ones I had. I would love to take them off your hands if you're not going to use them. Trade or buy. Thanks, Paul
  3. Looks like Kinetic to me. Definitely not a RM. When's it coming out?? Pretty cool stuff. Now if they would only release a new tool C-130J with engraved panel lines and all the trimmings for different variants. Whoo hoo!!
  4. OMG...that's awesome!! Whatta you mean "too dirty"? I've seen these things frequently in Destin. FL. near Hurlbert Field. They are always....filthy! You did a great weathering job. Great build.
  5. The worst thing is the bulbouse nose and windscreen. The windscreen is a one piece molded that you fit into the nose section. The windows are not separate and they look all wrong. The overall shape of the Herk looks like a Herk when finished...sorta....but there's just something that ain't right. The engineering is not as crisp as with the Italeri. Also...sponsons...props...spinners and engine cowls just ain't right. At the very least they are not modern. There's more but I spare you....
  6. I'm building a USMC 'D'. Great model. If I didn't have so many...I'd buy another one. LOL...
  7. Ya know...that makes the most sense. We can only hope it's the Italeri Herk with new sprues. The ESCI 'U' sprues weren't that great. Maybe a surprise in the making...
  8. LOL....funny. Hey me too! If the quality of the A400M is as good as other new stuff from Revell...I'm all over it. Now they need to get a 72nd C-17....a 144th C-5...and new tool 72nd C-130's. Only then will Revell be a Jedi.
  9. Dang!! That's what I'm thinking...although I hoped I was wrong. The ESCI offering ain't that good. Anybody else know for sure?
  10. LOL!....I've got to laugh too although I am in total agtreement with Jennings. His opinions may not be the most positive but dang if they aren't right most of the time. Ya know...it's really, really funny that Revell JUMPED on this A400M thing. There's ben so many problems with the Project that I thought Revell would be laughing at it. I mean...how many nations have even actually bought the thing?? 0.00! So I got to thinking about it. I believe there's several reasons why Revell jumped on the A400M. And don't forget...in 72nd scale no less! That's a big airplane...large boxes and lots of to
  11. Guys, The title says it all. Cybermodeler says that Italeri has a new 1/72 AC-130H coming out. I've also read that a U is not far behind. What's the scoop? New Tool?...Italeri original? or ESCI? Thanks!
  12. Hummmph. I'm with Jennings. I mean...what the he--? Now that you mention it, the stores should be FULL of C-130 variants. ACCURATE ones! Grateful to Revell for the C-17. Great freakin model. And the A400M. But I'm with Jennings. Definitely overdue for a great new tool C-130. Accurate...with variants!!
  13. pminer


    WOW!...Great Stuff. Thanks!
  14. pminer


    Guys, I'm wanting to build a modern C-130J. I need the converstion parts for the engines, props and sponsons. I've read that the engines & props come from Jens Brit Bits/Model Alliance. The sponsons come from Flightpath/Ron's Resin. I have gone to the END of the Internet trying to find these people/Companies/Conversions. No luck. Anybody have any idea how to get hold of these people and/or conversion sets? Thanks, Paul
  15. COOL! Thanks guys.. Paul
  16. No new antenna's...lumps?...bumps?...blisters?
  17. Guys, What are the external differences between the C-5A and C-5B? I'm starting my 1/144 scale tonight and would like to build a C-5B. But I have no idea what (if any) the differences are. Thanks! Paul
  18. Hey Mason! You got pics of your newest 53? Would love to see them.
  19. Here here! I just made the 2 saw cuts and leveled the wing box. The wing box itself has to be level! It's worked great!
  20. Spraying white really su--s. I just finished a USCG HC-130. Turned out Ok but was an unbeleivable PITA when it came down to getting the white finish just right. Will post on ARC soon. GREAT job on the P-3! It was a tough scheme to tackle. Paul
  21. Freakin great weathering!!! What was your technique? How did you do it?
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