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About Rocky

  • Rank
    Check six
  • Birthday 01/23/1962

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    New Hampshire

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  1. There could be a correlation. My paint was flat. Did you use a flat or a gloss paint?
  2. Model Master enamel paint.
  3. Alcohol takes it right off, but did you figure out how to resolve the problem?
  4. In my early years of modeling, I left the plastic unpainted if it was the right color. I would never do that now. Plastic looks like plastic.
  5. I have brushed Future (aka Pledge Floor Gloss) onto my F-4K, which was airbrushed matt gunship gray FS36118. The finish has a fine sparkly sheen to it. I'm not sure if its due to tiny bubbles in the gloss coating, or an interaction of the Future with the powdery surface of the paint, or what. The Future is in a container that may have allowed it to partially evaporate, so it may be thicker than out of a new bottle. Has anyone had this problem? Would it make a difference if I strip it off and airbrush the Future on?
  6. Rocky


    I did find the F-16A that I was looking for at Sprue Brothers, but now I can't find the F-111G that I saw. Sprue Brothers seems to have the best inventory at the moment, but it still has a lot of holes in the Hasegawa line. eBay has Hasegawa F-16As for sale at jacked up prices. I thought that was a bad sign. I think they do this just to train us to hoard model kits. Considering the size of my stash, that has worked well for them.
  7. Rocky


    What's up with Hasegawa? It seems like everyone is out of many of their kits.
  8. Thanks for the pictures! I was born in Rutland when the VT ANG was flying F-89Js. Its hard to believe that I'm so old that I was being protected from Bears by those pterosaurs. On the other hand, at the time the Air Force was flying F-106s that had more performance than an F-35A.
  9. Great work Andrew! I plan to build a VT ANG F-89 as it would have looked during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and I am wondering if you have some research on that. I see pictures of the aircraft in natural metal finish, but the pictures of the gate guard aircraft are in grey paint. Do you have any dated photos? I also want to build a VT ANG F-16ADF. I have plenty of photos of those, but I'm going to have to make the decals. I've scanned in a sheet of VT ANG F-16A decals, which are almost right, and redoing them without the yellow.
  10. The AIM-7F entered service in 1976. The AIM-7M entered service in 1982. It was very likely carrying the AIM-7F in 1983. Almost certainly not an earlier version than that.
  11. I would think that the Blue Angels would want to hang onto their legacy Hornets for as long as they are still in the fleet. They have higher performance than the F-18E, and they burn less fuel. The F-18E has longer range, can carry more bombs, and has a better radar. What are the Blue Angels going to do with those capabilities??
  12. I'm building a couple of AV-8A Harrier kits, and the instructions for neither one of them say a thing about the color of the interior of the air intakes. The photos I've seen show the same color as the exterior camouflage as far back as I can see, but it's in deep shadow farther in. Is it green and gray all the way back to the face of the engine? Is there any white in there? Its a short, wide intake, so I'd like to get this right.
  13. Thank You! I just ordered two sets of Quickboost parts.
  14. I seem to remember seeing replacement early F-16A horizontal tails for sale, but I'm not having any luck finding them. I need them in 1/72nd scale. Do they exist?
  15. Having done a little more research, I see that it was Detachment 1 of the 552nd ACW that was deployed to SEA, and assisted with 25 MiG kills. We need 552nd decals!!!
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