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Everything posted by JOHN

  1. I am currently building a 1/8th scale HH-52A from my own drawings. I have used photos and the flight manual to design the model. The attached PDF is a copy of the CAD drawing. It is still a work in progress as I use it when working on the model. John HH-52 WORKING DRAWING.PDF
  2. Doddy Hay was the Martin Baker seat live dummy and he wrote a book called "The man in the hot seat". It is a good read on early ejector seat testing.
  3. I have created a CAD drawing of the HH-52A for an R/C flying model I am working on. If they will help I will send you some pdf copies. They were created from drawings supplied from various sources and photos. John
  4. There was an article by Gary Byk in Airfix magazine on converting the kit to a B206B-1. Here is a link to my scan of it. John http://s197.photobucket.com/user/JJELLIS_PHOTO/library/Bell%20206B-1?sort=3&page=1
  5. JOHN


    Here is a drawing I was sent by Roberto on Britmodeller. It is of the Polish Navy SH-2G. John My link
  6. Here is some of what I have collected including the SAM article. John http://s197.photobucket.com/user/JJELLIS_PHOTO/library/Westland%20Wasp%20Scout?sort=9&page=1
  7. Tony I have found my copy of SAM that you referred to and scanned the article. I also have the Aviation News drawings but that will have to wait until the weekend. I think they are the same drawings as in the SAM article. John http://s197.photobucket.com/user/JJELLIS_PHOTO/library/SHORT%20STURGEON?sort=3&page=1
  8. UH-1B HMAS Stalwart flight from HC-723 Squadron RANFAA 1984
  9. Richard I have my old training notes for the Wessex HAS31B. I will scan the page on the seats. John
  10. Hi David I have that magazine in front of me now. I will scan it for you. There was another article in an earlier Scale Models. I will dig that out for you too. John
  11. The Naval Fighters book has some photos and a drawing of the radar panel. John
  12. A couple more images scanned from a book on aussie Mirages. John
  13. Here is a scan of the Roodecals 1/32 decal sheet to get you going. This is the design used on the ARDU Mirages. John
  14. Do you mean the crest on the tails of ARDU aircraft? If so I have some photos and drawings of it. I will dig them out tonight. John
  15. Mario I have uploaded some drawings to Photobucket which should help you. http://s197.photobucket.com/albums/aa78/JJELLIS_PHOTO/PV-1%20Ventura/?start=all These are from the book "The Empire Express". John
  16. I have uploaded some drawings to Aussie modeller I received from Robertas on Scale-rotors site. Link here http://www.aussiemodeller.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1384&start=10 John
  17. Ross I didnt see the report but the Canberra definitely has a ski jump. We will operate helos of it. The Juan Carlos tn service with Spain is the only operational ship at the moment and it operates Harriers It was decided to leave the ski jump on the 2 R.A.N. ships even though we wont operate fixed wing aircraft. The ships have decks for helos, vehicles and landing craft and will be the largest R.A.N. vessels to date. Here is a link to a promo video from ADF Serial website. John
  18. The Hueys on 723 Sqn were standard UH-1Bs apart from 894 and 898 which had the left hand filler with the extended fuel tank. 894 also had the standard airscoop style air intake not the filter as on 898. The 4 Hueys on 723 when I was on the squadron all had different combinations of the air intake and filler caps and usually had zaps on the nose and/or cockpit doors. John
  19. Ken I found another set of drawings so I have included these. http://s197.photobucket.com/albums/aa78/JJ...16%20ALBATROSS/ John
  20. I have the Aviation News 1/72 scale drawings. They show the HU16A, B and ASW with cross sections. Give me a couple of days to dig them out. John
  21. I have a request for anyone who has access to a fullsize HH-52A.I am building a 1/8th scale flying model and I need hi-res photos of the sponson(float). They have to be shot from about 20 metres/yards away and from a position in line with the main wheel at a height level with the cabin floor. This will allow me to get the correct profile shape of the sponson. They have to be a high enough resolution to be enlarged to a size to allow me to trace them. Alternatively, does anyone have access to an airframe repair manual which has drawings showing the shape of the sponson. Thanks John
  22. I have the Aviation News drawings of the F2H-3/4. I will dig them out for you. John
  23. Ihave the Airfix article scanned. Here is the link to it. I hope it is of use to you all. http://s197.photobucket.com/albums/aa78/JJELLIS_PHOTO/S61/ John
  24. JOHN

    Sea Hornet wingfold

    Try these sites http://users.skynet.be/BAMRS/dh103/dh103.htm http://www.dhhornet50.net/index.php?f=data_home&a=0 John
  25. Don Is it possible to get a copy of those drawings. I have the Koku-Fan and Aviation News drawings and would like to compare them. TIA John
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