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About Darth2307

  • Rank
    I've got a bad feeling about this....
  • Birthday 11/07/1977

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  • Location
    Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Interests
    F-16, F-22, Flyfishing, Waterfowling, Flying, Model building

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  1. I have a spare 48092 I could sell. Send me a message and we can work out details. I’m located in Utah. thanks! brandon
  2. Looking for a 1/32 kitty hawk mirage 2000. Anyone have one they would be willing to sell or trade? I have many modern and WWII aircraft I could trade…just let me know what you are looking for. thanks! Brandon
  3. Hello everyone. I’m currently looking to buy or trade for a Revell 1/48 PV-1 Ventura. I mainly have modern 1/48 aircraft to trade with some WWII aircraft and a few armory kits as well. If you happen to have one please send me a PM and we can work out the details. Thanks!
  4. Maybe I didn’t ask the question very well. I’m wondering how to do two different final Clear coats over a entire model. The bottom will be bare metal and needs a gloss coat, the topside and wings of the aircraft will be flat. Do most people spray the whole aircraft with a gloss coat, apply the decals, seal them in with another gloss coat, then mask off everything that will stay gloss and then spray another coat of clear flat coat? Or is there a better way? Thanks!
  5. Hello everyone! i am currently working on a B-26 that will have a bare metal underside and a flat olive drab top side with d-day stripes. I am looking for advice on how to keep the bottom side shiny and how to make the topside flat after applying decals? Would you just mask off all the natural metal and spray the painted areas with a flat coat or is there a better way to accomplish this? Thanks in advance!
  6. Nice! Highly appreciated Kursad! Can't wait!
  7. Any chance we will see the Utah birds on this sheet?
  8. Prices lowered and sold kits removed. Another kit added. thanks everyone!
  9. I am indeed sorry for your loss. My wife and I lost our first born after only 25 hrs. The pain never truly leaves but the memories are precious! May you and your loved ones be comforted in this time of grief and sorrow! May the Lord watch over and comfort you!
  10. Need to thin down the stash. If you are interested in a kit, please send me a PM. I would like to keep all sales in the United States or Canada, but will ship overseas if the buyer pays for shipping. I accept Paypal or well concealed cash. Buyer to pay shipping charges and I will be shipping from US zipcode 84081. Prices are not set in stone, so feel free to make an offer on anything that you are interested in. Thanks everyone! Kits for Sale: 1/144 Revell A300-600ST Beluga $15 1/48 Kits: Tamiya F4D-1 Skyray $20 Tamiya Beaufighter MK
  11. Hello everyone, i am currently looking for a set of 1/48 AC-130A markings for my kit. Had an unfortunate water problem on my building table and need to replace my decals. If you have an extra set you are willing to sell or trade, please PM me. thanks! brandon
  12. Thanks for the info Falcon20driver! I appreciate it.
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