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About mike_45

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  • Birthday 06/12/1981

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  1. Another thing to consider...are you painting it in a high humidity area? I noticed that on Alclad (yes I am able to read and know this is AK paint) that before my garage was HVAC'ed it would take a very long time to dry, but now, far faster. Especially with their primer. I would think it would dry better in a more controlled environment vs leaving in a garage. For whats it worth I treat any NMF finish aircraft I paint like its glass. Even gone so far as when handling when applying decals I will wear gloves so skin oils dont blemish it. I try and do
  2. For yall discussing an F-86A go over to britmodeler 48th F-86A
  3. Are we positive on this? Why would MRC be asking for photos here?
  4. No need to be sorry. You are amongst friends here. 🙂
  5. Ya know, I feel good about my one Academy MH-53E and two CH-53E's I have in my stash and then Gunny pastes his stash pic and its like...ok then. I will go sit in the corner of shame over there. 🤣
  6. K I may need to create a user profile there. As I want some of those goodies!
  7. Hey 11Bee, is facebook the only way to get in touch with Simone?
  8. Mine had been in my mailbox several days. But they are in my grubby paws now. And like 11bee I am ways out from using them, but I have them and they look fantastic. And again like 11bee says, thank you @KursadA for doing a scale/subject you dont normally do.
  9. Mine have not arrived yet. Will check the mailbox tomorrow
  10. Ah, yep the Gen. Tlavok one totally makes sense from HS, thank you for confirming what I suspected.
  11. I used the Red Fox/ZM set on the ZM and the quinta on the Meng F-4G. Would have been happier with quinta for both. To me the Red Fox ones can just pop off their paper backing and fly away, you have to really be on the look out and do it all in one sitting just in case one tiny piece flys off and you dont notice so you have a chance to find it! Quinta also started to do some more sidewall stuff (not just the circuit breakers) on the Meng set.
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