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Mike H.

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Everything posted by Mike H.

  1. I've asked a similar question before but now that I have Floyd's walkaround I've thought more about this 'What if' It says in the book that the weapons on the OH-58D can be fired with grease targeting marks on the windshield. So would it be feasible to strip a Kiowa of the radar and black boxes to add a door gunner. Do you think it would have one pilot and one gunner or two and two? I'm thinking one and one if I kept a rocket pod and .50 cal. What do you all think? Mike H.
  2. Finally met some of the great guys on the forum. Floyd Werner, thanks for the trade for the book. It looks great! Jon Bernstein, your book looks great too. I wish I had more cash, but you saw my entourage (kids needed a snack). Your walkaround is on the Get List. Chris from Cobra Co, your stuff looks even more impressive in person. It's really nice to put faces to names from ARC. Nice meeting all you guys. Mike H.
  3. The sheet looks great! You have some Apache decals in the works? Mike H.
  4. Not airplanes, but I saw three Marine LAVs on 695 Baltimore Beltway a couple weeks ago. Mike H.
  5. I remember talk about naming a carrier after Alan Shepard, but the Navy named a supply ship instead. Can anyone confirm this? I'm sorry, I'm from Michigan and I don't think Ford deserved a carrier named after him. At least not a new, concept ship. Maybe one later in the class. Think of it, the first carrier of a new class named for the first American in space who was a naval aviator. Far more appropriate than Ford. Mike H.
  6. Let get the decal folks motivated. I'd like to see this Apache. http://www.defendamerica.mil/profiles/june.../pr060905a.html Hope the link works. I'm computer challenged. And of course Jon's PA unit Apaches. List them all guys. Cobras, Kiowas, Blackhawks, etc. Mike H.
  7. Very Cool! Can't wait for the decals. Mike H.
  8. Gerard is a good trade in my book. Mike H.
  9. I'm hoping someone does this one: http://www.defendamerica.mil/profiles/june.../pr060905a.html Sorry, I'm computer challenged to post a pic or shortcut. But the sharkmouth is cool. Mike H.
  10. Gotta give it up to: Tony Hayes Ron Wright (elmerfudd94) Lock n' Load (Erick) Dave Roof Thanks guys for four solid deals. :blink: Mike H.
  11. What decal sheet? What units? Scale I assume is 1/48. Mike H.
  12. Question about their flight helmets. Do Apache pilots wear two types of helmets? I saw a video on Airshow Buzz with a Raptor pilot trying out the gun system on his brother's Longbow. The Raptor pilot is wearing a typical helmet that looks top heavy while his brother is wearing what looks like a more conventional helmet but with the eyepiece attachment. Just a curious question. Mike H.
  13. Is there a release date for these two books? I'm on an Army Aviation kick lately. Mike H.
  14. Good trade done with X-RAY. He's the former LITTLE BIRD 117. Mike H.
  15. Kit and decal sheet is sold. There was only one kit and one sheet. Sorry if the title is misleading. Thanks, Mike H.
  16. What's in the back cabin area of the -58D? Can a person ride in the back or is the cabin filled with black boxes/ammo boxes? I was thinking of a "what if" Kiowa Warrior with a door gunner. Mike H.
  17. Don't suppose some ODS or OEF Tomcats are on your "to-do" list? I was thinking VF-84 and VF-41 from ODS and VF-41 from OEF and their Last Tomcat Cruise. While I'm at it, how 'bout those birds in 1/32nd? No conversion kits required. Good luck with the business. Looking forward to the VFA-103 sheet and future releases. Mike H.
  18. Saw the Andrews show today. Great weather. Sun, but not blazing hot. The Raptor was the best demo of the day. The Super Hornet was a close second IMO. Some nice statics too. Mike H.
  19. I just found the airshow website. Gates and show open at 8. When should we get there to go through security and ride the bus? Also, where is the best place to watch? Mike H.
  20. Any one been to the Andrews AFB airshow? I'm planning to take my 8 year old son so any advice will be appreciated. Help with when to get there, parking, how best to get there, food/drink allowed on base, etc. Mike H.
  21. Do a Google search of "3rd ID Apaches" and there a pic of an Apache with a new style sharkmouth with a good story about a 22 year old pilot. It's on www.defendamerica.mil Sorry, I'm tech illiterate and can't post a pic. Mike H.
  22. I'd like to see a sheet of these birds: 1/48 sharkmouth Apaches. 1-3 ATKHB, 3rd ID birds; B Company, 1-501 ATKHB; 1st Armored, and 1-151st ATKHB, SC ANG. Other Apaches: Devil Dance 82nd Airborne; 1-101 ATKHB, 101st Airborne OIF
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