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Who is going?

What are you bringing?

Where are you coming from?

My parents (both this time -dad was a lil upset that he missed last year :() and I will be flying out there to CA about a week before the convention. They want to get some sightseeing done...pshhh :cheers: and I dont want to get rushed in getting my stuff there :D

After the unexpected success last year, this year I will actually bring some a/c. :huh:

So far on the roster for me: 1/48 A-4F and others that will remain unnamed for now


-=AW out=-

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Nothing official yet, but I and a few OHMSers are hoping to attend.

Bringing? Is it just like a regular show where you can bring and enter what you would like?



Hello Ruud,

Check out the IPMS USA NATs 07 website: www.ipmsusa2007.org

Theres full info on the show/contests, etc etc.



Edited by AnthonyWan
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Unfortunately, it's not looking all that great for me to be going. Of course, it's still early, but I'm putting a new deck on the pool this spring, and my oldest son will be going to college in September, so I'm going to need to salt some money away. I'll know better by March or April, but I'm honestly not counting on it at this point. :cheers:

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My wife and I looked at the family finances and family debt load and I won't be attending.

I have no doubt it will be a first class show....there's some top notch modellers on the West Coast.

Steve B

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As of right now I'll be there, you never know something very important can come up. :banana:

I do not know what model I'll be bringing yet, but I'm thinking of bringing a Super Hornet (Of course) or maybe a Tomcat.....

Edited by Super Hornet 88
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Had originaly planned to go & make it a combo nats/family vacation to see our oldest son & his wife. After getting the schedule, looks like '08 will be the next one due to the late date of this one. :cheers:

Good to go,


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Honestly don't know - it's the closest one to me since I've been paying attention, but it sort of depends on A) the air wing schedule :cheers: money (my truck got hit yesterday on I-80 outside Reno in one of the first winter storms... driveable but ugly and due to its age, I have a sneaking suspicion USAA will call totalled - oh, and I too hope to put on a deck on my house before moving back to Oak Harbor with an eye to either selling or renting...)

If I go, I might go by motorcycle (hey, it's summertime, why not?? Besides, a full size truck and the much celebrated vendor's room might make for a fiscal disaster for me!! :D ). If I do take the truck (either this one or it's successor), I might bring something to show but not compete, if they have that option (I've heard some convetions do that).

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I doubt I can go, I've work around the homestead I need to do next summer and plan using some vacation time for it

Virginia Beach 08...and there is allready betting pools on my models not being ready by then :cheers:

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As of right now I am going. The Hotel is booked and I have a free round trip ticket voucher, with drink coupons to boot, on Southwest.

I just need to squirl away some cash for models, Disney, and other 'entertainment' and I'm good to go. The wife and kids were going to go but my wife said she didn't want to go so as of right now I have a vacation all to my self on So. Cal. :cheers:

Edited by jholt
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I'll be there, only a 30 min drive from here. Will be the first Nat I've ever been to to other than the local shows in the OC. (La Habra chapter if it still exists). I will not bring anything despite the long lead time. (never say never). Also would like to plan a gathering here at my home prior to the show, BBQ, pool party etc....


Fly Navy

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I am planning on attending, as of now. My wife and my daughter Andrea, and maybe the inlaws, if they want to go again,.. can go to Disneyland for as few days. And I will build something between now and then to present to the NATS however pathetic they may look.

I am not a member of the IPMS, is there an online site application where I can join.

Cheers :D

Andy G

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Go to www.ipmsusa.org

There is a link there to sign up.

Hey, put my # in for referal and I get a 2 month extention (#8739) :cheers:

Right now we are planning a family vacation there with the convention probably more for me and maybe my oldest. The other kids will look around and my daughter may enter, will see.

Plan on bringing some stuff to man the Whiff table if that comes to pass.

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