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Best 1/72 A1-h??

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Yep, what Joe said. Hasegawa's fit & detail is much better. The only downside is that it doesn't include any ordnance.



Well, the ones I had did include the 6-tube CBU dispensers, but those were only used on AF Skyraiders AFAIK. Only things besides that were the tanks for the centerline and inboard wing pylons.

The Fujimi Skyraider is something on the order of 40 years old by now, and is more like 1/70 scale. If you can't find or can't afford the Hasegawa kit, the Hobbycraft A-1 kits (all are the same plastic regardless of the release) are a reasonable alternative but not as crisp, not quite as well-fitting and not quite as much finesse regarding detail. They're not that hard to build though and look OK on the shelf when done. Third choice, and a distant one at that, would be the Airfix A-1 which lacks detail and isn't all that well-fitting but the basic shape is decent IIRC.

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Hasegawa is easily the best, with one small caveat: the prop. Hasegawa's prop blades narrow in chord as you go out from the hub towards the tips, and as far as I can tell from photos that was not the case with the real prop. I don't know of anyone that makes replacement Skyraider props in 1/72, so if it bothers you I think the only options are getting a Fujimi or Hobbycraft kit and robbing the prop from that.

It is a little thing, but to my eye the Hasegawa prop just doesn't look "manly" enough for a Spad. Wouldn't stop me from building one, though no more AD-5s conversions for me! :banana:

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