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Poll: Tomcat Poll

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Karl, quick reading this thread and get back to work! Oh wait, it's Saturday. Oh wait, you're in Fallon. There's nothing to do on Saturday night.....

I WAS threading wires through the right side handlebar on the bike. I've got 7 through and 2 to go, but now it's crowded in there. Plus, it's now dark and cold in my garage. My attention span is exceeded.

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Okay, yes, I forgot the original Iranian.... so for me now that's VF-84's first and last Tomcat schemes, VF-102's first, VF-103's last line birds(NOT the CAG, sorry), NFWS's "Red 31," AND the original Iranian. :thumbsup:

Edited by Andrew D. the Jolly Rogers guy
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Okay, so what percentage of the Tomcat squadrons actually didn't get any votes? Sheesh....

These are the ones that don't have a vote ... yet














Edited by Andy Mullen
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Great TOPIC My favorite Squadrons for the TOMCAT:

F-14D VF-2 Bounty Hunters, Low & Hi

F-14B VF-103 Jolly Rogers, Low & Hi

F-14A VF-84 Jolly Rogers, Hi

F-14D VF-101 Grem Reapers Hi

F-14D VF-31 Tomcatters Hi

F-14B VF-142 Ghostriders Low

Another greats Squadron VF-154, VF-143, VF-32, VX-4, VF-213

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A hard choice, but my favourites would be VF-1 and VF-2 on their shakedown cruise. VF-51's black tails (especially the CAG bird) was also great. Heck, there weren't many that were bad, but my real preference is for the old white/gray schemes.

Now, does anybody do 1/32 scale VF-2 decals from their 1975 cruise when they flew CAP for the evacuation of Saigon?


Scott Taylor

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