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Was out at Michaels crafts the other day and snagged my first "Century Series" fighter, the Revell F-106 in 1:48. I wasn't going to pick it up, but I saw that one of the decal options was for a 106 that was at Castle AFB when my grandfather was stationed there in 1962, so I had to splurge ;). My only issue with the kit (aside from the fit issues I mention below), is the raised panel lines. The cockpit detail is impressive, and the seat detail is phenomenal B).

Here's the seat dry-fit in the cockpit:


And here's the front instrument panel:


The fuselage halves are being a pain in the booty. Big gap in the vertical stab that needs filling, and just overall awkward fit. I haven't got around to taking any pictures of it, and at this point, I really don't care to :cheers:.

Gimme some feedback please :)!

Edited by TomcatFanatic123
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Looking good! :pray:

The detail on the old Monogram kits is just astounding. I recently bought the re-pops of the F-102 and F-84F by Revell and was amazed.

Building any Century Series a/c is a noble cause :P

What he said!

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Keep with it, as it is a really great kit with a ton of detail. Don't expect to ever get detail like that from a Tamiya or Hasegawa kit! I am working on one as well, and am in the process of rescribing. The only part that sucks, is under the wings......man, I have never seen so many panels!

Good luck,

-Doug :pray:

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Great to see sombody bold enought to take the plunge! Looks good so far.

Read a lot about the fit issues but I just love this bird too much so I had to get one when Hobby Lobby was on its 50% off sale. Will be watching your build with great interest.

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Havew fun. Just can't beat a classic. I'm going to be doind a 5th FIS 106 with its constant companion the T-33. I'm just waiting until after our contest next month.

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More progress today. I painted the main gear wells and dry-fit the bottom halves together to get an idea of what it'll look like. I figure I'll drybrush some silver in there to show where the interior green had been "chipped" away. Looking at reference pics, I noticed a lot of that.




Here's the missile bay doors dry-fit. Lovely seam right there in front, huh ;)?


The upper fuselage halves, finally finished. These were so bad I had to do them in sections over 2 days, starting with the vertical stab all the way down to the nose section, holding each half in place for 5 to 10 minutes because it was too awkward to clamp or rubber band :thumbsup::


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More progress on the Delta Dart here.

Cockpit installed...here's a shot of the side panel:


And the intstrument panel:


I've also finished up one of the drop tanks. Haven't even thought about the other one yet:



Main gear struts:


And braces:


And the interior of the outboard main gear doors. I must say, I like the interior green because it's not white, but I can't say I care for the way the interior green looks. It reminds me of the color of a family room carpet in a house from the '60s :doh::


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Looks good so far!

I started one of these about a year ago and got as far as puttying and sanding. A nice kit but one that definitely needs a little extra time during assembly to dry-fit and trim and shim.

Keep up the good work. Real nice lookig cockpit.


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Looks good so far!

I started one of these about a year ago and got as far as puttying and sanding. A nice kit but one that definitely needs a little extra time during assembly to dry-fit and trim and shim.

Keep up the good work. Real nice lookig cockpit.


Thanks for the kind words. You got as far as sanding and puttying, huh? You didn't happen to get past the nosegear bay assembly, did you? I've dry-fit and dry-fit, and dry-fit some more, and can't for the life of me get the sidewalls to sit properly, and the instruction being so &%^$ing vague doesn't help matters any :doh:! If you can offer me any assistance, I would be so appreciative!!!

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Standby...I'll go snap a few pics.


OK, my computer isn't letting me plug in any USB devices (that's a whole nother topic!).

But, from what I remember, I added the strut to the rear bulkhead, as directed, installed that, then added the sidewall that has the door. I painted the outside area around the well first to avoid trying to mask it all later.

Here is a link to the build-



Edited by Impatient Pete
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Standby...I'll go snap a few pics.


OK, my computer isn't letting me plug in any USB devices (that's a whole nother topic!).

But, from what I remember, I added the strut to the rear bulkhead, as directed, installed that, then added the sidewall that has the door. I painted the outside area around the well first to avoid trying to mask it all later.

Here is a link to the build-



Yup...I bookmarked that thread :doh:!

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OK, so I can plug in my camera, just not my external drives...

Here is a pic.


It doesn't show much, but it might give you something you can work with. It is a tight fit, but I don't think I had to do any trimming or any surgery. I think it's just a matter of order. Maybe it was side wall with door first? Then the rear bulkhead?

Oh man I'm not much help...

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OK, so I can plug in my camera, just not my external drives...

Here is a pic.


It doesn't show much, but it might give you something you can work with. It is a tight fit, but I don't think I had to do any trimming or any surgery. I think it's just a matter of order. Maybe it was side wall with door first? Then the rear bulkhead?

Oh man I'm not much help...

Actually that picture helps me quite a bit. Hopefully painting will be easier for me as I took the sidewall part with the gear door, and razor-sawed the gear door off so I could paint it and install it later. I'm wondering if I can go ahead and assemble the entire gear well without that strut to avoid breakage. I noticed that installation step in the instructions and couldn't help but thinking "that's just begging to be snapped off".

Edited by TomcatFanatic123
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A wondeful kit. Didn't notice any large gaps anywhere, however I built it long ago when it first hit the shelves as a Monogram kit. Just can't say it's a Revell kit. Much like Convair isn't Genral Dynamics isn't Lockheed Martin, or McDonnel Douglas isn't Boeing.

Here is a shot of my 20+ year old build. Lots of brown out but it still looks okay.




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Any progress on this, James?


Well, I was going to leave the main gear well that ungly-a** interior green color, then I saw THIS which made me want to go in and do a little bit more detailing in there. Isn't even close to as good as what Pete did, but it's a start. I'm stalled until I can run over to the hardware store over in Santa Ynez that carries Model Master paints because I'm out of Aircraft Gray :worship:.

Oh, and I also finished the second drop tank as well, but no pics.





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A wondeful kit. Didn't notice any large gaps anywhere, however I built it long ago when it first hit the shelves as a Monogram kit. Just can't say it's a Revell kit. Much like Convair isn't Genral Dynamics isn't Lockheed Martin, or McDonnel Douglas isn't Boeing.

Here is a shot of my 20+ year old build. Lots of brown out but it still looks okay.




Wow! What a great looking build! :thumbsup:

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I was out dryfitting stuff on this thing today (I wanted to get some spraying done, but it's too %^$#ing windy :salute:), and I ran into this problem. To put it simply, the instructions are vague. Very vague. I can't find a close up picture of this in the F-106 Detail & Scale book I ordered, and all the walkarounds I've found on the web, so I figured I'd ask here.

This way:


Or this way:


Same problem with the canopy frame :).

This way:


Or this way:


Oh, and if anybody has any good walkarounds or knows where I can get some, especially of the nose gear bay, please hook me up! Thanks!

Edited by TomcatFanatic123
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Dang! I have some great pics of the rear deck pit area and the wheel wells, but that computer prob is keeping me from getting to my external hard drive!

:D :bandhead2::crying::bandhead2:

I am going to be at school tomorrow and I will see if I can get them off my HD there and put them on PhotoBucket from school.


Edited by Impatient Pete
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Dang! I have some great pics of the rear deck pit area and the wheel wells, but that computer prob is keeping me from getting to my external hard drive!

:D :bandhead2::crying::bandhead2:

I am going to be at school tomorrow and I will see if I can get them off my HD there and put them on PhotoBucket from school.


That would be absolutely AWESOME! Thanks for your help :crying:!

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