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Don't attatch the intakes until AFTER you sand the seam between the upper and lower halves. Otherwise the seam is almost impossible to get at.

The seam in the rear of the Aircraft is also a tough one to eliminate as well.

looks good so far :worship:

Cheers, Ian

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A wondeful kit. Didn't notice any large gaps anywhere, however I built it long ago when it first hit the shelves as a Monogram kit. Just can't say it's a Revell kit. Much like Convair isn't Genral Dynamics isn't Lockheed Martin, or McDonnel Douglas isn't Boeing.

Here is a shot of my 20+ year old build. Lots of brown out but it still looks okay.




Absolutely beautiful 'Six. Same goes for what I can see of the Phantom. Were those the only two in the pic? I admit I'm a sucker for Selfridge/ Six Pack birds- my Dad was stationed there. One of mine is going to be done like that, another is going to be the last flying with the New Jersy ANG, and the other is going to be from the 'Hat In The Ring' squadron from Selfridge that was at William Tell '65 (?).

It may be a little late but I just got the Detail & Scale on the F-106 and it's a great reference. I also found a sweet website dedicated to the 'Six. I'll find it and post the link for you guys later. It has tons of pics of the cockpit, ejection seat, and lots of markings photos. If you go to the site, check out the restored bird at Wurtsmith.... magnificent!

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Looking real nice. I'll be watching your talent progress on this timeless classic. I did this kit (rescribed) a little over a year ago and she is one of my favorites. here's a link to my build .. who knows it may be helpful. :doh:

106 build link

106 finished link


Thanks for the kind words, Greg. And thanks soooooooooooooooooo much for those build links. AWESOME!

BTW, did you have any trouble with the nose gear bay? I've dry-fit that thing probably 4 or 5 times and I can't for the life of me get it to sit properly. No problem on the left side part that has the gear door on it, but I'm fighting with the rear bulkhead that the gear strut attaches to and the "L" shaped piece that makes up the right side and front bulkhead.


As promised.. da link. Enjoy! It's a pretty cool websiet.

Thanks for the link. I was on that site the other day, forgot to add it to my favorites, and I lost it when I cleaned out my history folder :worship:.

And Pete, thanks a million for those reference pics :)!

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Absolutely beautiful 'Six. Same goes for what I can see of the Phantom. Were those the only two in the pic?

Yeah those were the only two in the shot. Just learning a new Camera at the time... These two were built in 84/85 and the Phantom took a 2nd in Atlanta 1985... Brown out took it's toll on it as well but here is a shot that makes it look pretty good. Monogram 1/48th F-4C. I want to build that Six again someday who knows when though...





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The Phantom looks nice as well. Are those the Expert's Choice sheets? I have all three for the 'Six, F-4, and F-16ADF and was wondering if they work all right. Nice FOD covers too.

Yes they are, but back then weren't they called Bare Metal decals! I can't know. LOL!

Thanks for the kind words. I wish now, I could get right in the middle of a build and go from start to finish like I did with these two... Times have changed, haven't they.

Thanks too Raptor Supporter, appreciate the kind words!

Did those shots I sent you of the F-22 look good for ya?



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Absolutely stunning USAF Phantom Larry. :cheers:

The part of this build I was most pleased with and haven't observed anyone else do like I did it...

, was this part


I was able to see up close and personal this part and tried as best I could to duplicate it on this Monogram kit. I think I did pretty well actually.

Thanks for the commets Raptor supporter.

If you want a copy of all the shots from Point Mugu send me a PM with an address and I'll do a copy up and send them your way...



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Got the IFR part on the back of the fuselage today. Talk about a major pain in the boo-tay :rofl:.

Anyway, There was a very distinct step between the fuselage and the IFR part, so I ended up having to put a piece of plasticard under it to make it level. Then, to avoid obliterating any of the raised panel lines, I used the filling without sanding technique (for those who are unfamiliar with it, read about it HERE), and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. If you run your finger along it, you can feel a slight step, but it's not really apparent to the naked eye.



EDIT: Plese excuse all the dust and crap. I just didn't wipe it off very well before I took the pic <_<.

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Well, it's a good thing I got 2 of these kits (at $9.00 each, I figured what the hell). On the second one, I just went ahead and threw together the main gear bay - no painting or anything - just assembly the way I thought the instructions said to do it, and it seems to be OK. At least I hope it is :santa:




And, out of sheer boredom, I went ahead and sanded the nose.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, have you seen this:


How's the build going? Any progress?


No, actually I haven't seen that. Thanks a bunch. before I get the top and bottom halves glued together, I want to get just the small sections around the gear wells airbrushed to make masking a little bit easier, but I haven't been able to because of the damn wind we're having. We're going on our 2nd conseuctive week of this crap :nanner:. Oh well, it's teaching me patience, though :yahoo:.

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I feel you on the wind! Here in Oklahoma it can regularly get up to 30 mph making painting or anything outside practically impossible! I got a F-4 Phantom and Superscale's new Michigan ANG decals to do alongside my 'six. Good luck, and hope the wind calms down for you.

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OK, the bloody wind finally backed off a bit, so I was able to get something done. This is the very, very, very first time I've even laid hands on an airbrush (before this, it was all rattle cans and brushes). I screwed around with a scrap piece of plastic first just to get the feel for it, and I didn't do too awfully bad, so I broke out the real thing.

My goal with doing this was just to get the areas around the openings for the gear bays painted so they'd be easier to mask when the time comes.


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Can't blame you for using the 'six as airbrush practice. I have a new Badger airbrush I'll be using to get some practice. Overall ADC Gray with a black nose/antiglare panel is a good way to start out IMHO. Looks good so far- keep posting as stuff gets painted... I'm definetly watching this one.

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Well, I finally broke down and went back to work. I'm really nervous about the nose gear bay, but I'm going with it. If I screw up, well, it was only a $9.00 model :wasntme:. And I can replace it.

Before we get to the nose gear bay, here's the main gear bay front and rear bulkheads.

Rear bulkhead:


Front bulkhead:


Here we go with the nose gear bay. For some reason, I'm just not happy with the way the bulkheads line up. Too many gaps :worship:.




Let me know what y'all think :worship:.

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Got the wing assembly mated to the bottom half of the fuselage today, and I'm pretty happy with the results. I had to put some sheet styrene in between the wing assembly and the fuselage to shore it up a bit because it was incredibly uneven without it (a notorious sticking point with this kit in many different places), but it worked like a charm. Some filling obviously needs to be done around the edges after the glue completely dries, but not too bad. I'm thinking I can get away with more of the filling without sanding technique here.

Main gear wells:



And some overall shots:




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