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I was looking for you, too. My uncle and I were over by that "Space Shuttle Cafe" thingie they had. I went over by BH 200 like 3 times to see if maybe you were hanging out over there but no joy. I wonder why the Super Hornet didn't go. The schedule I had said it was supposed to go after the Raptor and Eagle, so I was surprised when I saw the T-Birds start their ground show right after they landed.

Oh, BTW, you get nervous about that fog that started to roll in? I did.

Fog at Mugu? surely you jest......


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They do the Super Hornet demo today???

Nope. :cheers:

They just sat there....

But I think the reason they didn't fly was because the Air Force stole the show with the F-22 demo....

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Nope. :P

They just sat there....

But I think the reason they didn't fly was because the Air Force stole the show with the F-22 demo....

I was very disappointed that they didn't go, but yeah, I think the Raptor stole the show. I think more people were enthralled with that damn Raptor than the T-Birds. It was one bad-*** demo, though :cheers:!

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I was very disappointed that they didn't go, but yeah, I think the Raptor stole the show. I think more people were enthralled with that damn Raptor than the T-Birds. It was one bad-*** demo, though :cheers:!

Hell yeah, the F-22 did two demos today.

Oh man it was sweet. The sheer power that airplane has is amazing, and the "really minimum radius turn" was very cool and loud!

Sure beats the pants off a Tomcat demo! :P

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I was looking for you, too. My uncle and I were over by that "Space Shuttle Cafe" thingie they had. I went over by BH 200 like 3 times to see if maybe you were hanging out over there but no joy. I wonder why the Super Hornet didn't go. The schedule I had said it was supposed to go after the Raptor and Eagle, so I was surprised when I saw the T-Birds start their ground show right after they landed.

Oh, BTW, you get nervous about that fog that started to roll in? I did.

Not really, the fog can give that impression but I didn't think it would come our direction but it has happen before. Yeah went to BH200 twice, but didn't see you. People were on that thing like flies on sh..! I was sitting right in between the squadron seating area, and right infront of the T-birds.

Well there's always ED or Miramar. Yeah the SH was supposed to go right after the F-15E demo, then the T-birds.

Here's a few more.




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Just got back from Mugu, I'll post my pics tomorrow.

The F-22 demo was AWESOME!!


But I think the reason they didn't fly was because the Air Force stole the show with the F-22 demo....
but yeah, I think the Raptor stole the show. I think more people were enthralled with that damn Raptor than the T-Birds. It was one bad-*** demo, though :lol:!
Hell yeah, the F-22 did two demos today.

Oh man it was sweet. The sheer power that airplane has is amazing, and the "really minimum radius turn" was very cool and loud!

Sure beats the pants off a Tomcat demo! :taunt:

:D :yahoo::nanner:

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I think the F-117 and the F-22 will be the most talked about and photographed aircraft at airshows this airshow season. The F-117 because it is being retired and the F-22 because IT SIMPLY ROCKS!!!

First thing I noticed about the F-22 is how dramatically the stabs droop.


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Not pro like you but I like them

Those are pretty darn good!

On Saturday, people left after the F-22 demo like it was the 7th inning at a Dodger game...

Thanks! People were leaving left and right but seems as though they re-appeared when the T-Birds started.


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Great shots everybody.

This was a great show! The F-22 Raptor rocked the house!

Here's my favorite shot:


:woot.gif: Totally agree with SH88. This pic rocks Roger! :redx:

Also been checking out the pics at Fencecheck. Many talented photographers there with awesome Raptor vapor pics. :) :) And to think this isn't even the full and complete Raptor demo.....oh my!

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I figured I would add a few shots of my own. This was my first time using my new Canon 100-400 lens, so be gentle :) I didn't edit these yet to take out the stupid smudge in some of the corners of the pictures. It takes some getting used to a lens that large for sure, especially around fast jets. Practice, practice. I picked a few of the shots I liked out of the 500 or so took. All in all it was a pretty good show. I do have to say this, that I have been going to air shows and been interested in military aviation my whole life, heck I even was AFROTC and was going into the Air Force (couldn't get a flying slot) and even got a ride in an F-16....but I can say without hesitation, that seeing the Raptor fly was the most awe inspiring, almost frightening display of aviation technology I have ever seen in my life. To even think we only saw about half of the demo, and they were only flying the thing, not using all of it's weapons and technology in anger! God help anyone who actually has to fight against that thing someday.

Waco, I'm jealous :salute: , you have one mighty aircraft to work with. I'm not really that jealous of the fact that you have to train guys to fly that expensive beast with no backseat! No wonder you probably dont sleep, it must be like giving a 21 year old the keys to a F430 Spyder on Sunset Blvd the first time they strap into it!

Scott D

Thousand Oaks, CA

First one is for Waco...here is your buddy Goat (i told him I'd post this)


This one is for Spongebob, some of your buddies at Mugu said to say hi!


The rest are just random shots from the day...


Tried to get the sneak pass, missed it by a little bit, oh well



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