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Anyone have the instructions for the CE Super Hornet intakes?

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I recently recieved the Cutting Edge seamless intakes for the Revell Super Hornet, but mine did not come with any instructions. I know there is some cutting and grinding required to get these things in, and I am not going to start hacking without the instructions. A scan would work just fine.

Thank you


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To be honest, I have not built mine yet. Off hand it looked like you would not have to modify the kit.

Hopefully, somebody that has used the intakes can chime in to give a definative answer.


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No, I understand what you are saying. You don't think you need to cut the kit itself any then? that would be cool. After ruining the F-15E intakes, I am not too excited on hacking another kit up.


Actually you need to remove the bottom of the the kit part numbers-12 and 13 and the CE part will make up the piece that you just cut off. Like this


Hope that helps.



Edited by Incaroad
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