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Are they good quality kits? I have been eyeballing one at the local Hobby Lobby but just can't make a decsion to Buy or not. Have a Hasegawa F-18F on the way from a trade( thanks Tomcat Tweeker) I haven't seen any of these kits in person, Hasegawa or Revell. so I'm curious

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I just started my 1/48 Revell F-18E and it looks like a pretty sweet kit. It comes with 2xAIM9X, centerline tank, 2xAIM-120C, LAU-127 AMRAAM launch rails, and AN/ASQ-228 FLIR.

I think I paid about $15 for it at the LHS. Definately cheaper than the hasegawa.



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I'm building my Revell F-18E & F right now. They are good kits and a great value.

If I had one major beef it is that I did had to use a lot of putty for such a kit. Experiences differ apparently, as it falls together better for some than others.

Minor beef- only one fuel tank is provided. Good news is that the Hasegawa kit has 4 feul tanks! Steal an extra from there.

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The Revell F/A-18E/F is a good kit for the money and they look like Super Hornets, however they have a bunch of problems. If you want a really good article to let you know just how many problems it has then go here and take a look. http://www.carrierbuilders.net/gallery/200...8E_Part_III.htm

After you look this article over then make your decision based on what you are looking for. I'm building this same kit right now and I'm going a few more steps to correct what I've found to be very wrong with this kit.

1. The shape of the spine towards the back end

2. The bottom between the MLG wells is wrong and needs fixin.


3. The MLG wells themselves are completely wrong and I've hogged out the entire well to correct them and put in the outside walls that Revell decided to leave out.


4. The cockpit is completely wrong so it's getting redone to more accurately represent the bird I'm doin.



There is a bunch more but I will get to that when I get that far...

The Hasegawa kit has problems to but is much more accurate than the Revell Super Hornet.

Either way have fun with the builds



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I have the original F/A-18E Super Hornet Revell release, and yesterday I received the F/A-18F, again form Revell, both are superb kits!!!!. I´wouldn´t pay twice their price for the Hasegawa offfering, plus Hase kits are with no weapons!!!. Be careful wich box from Revell you purchase, cheapers one only come with AA missiles and fuel tanks...

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I have the original F/A-18E Super Hornet Revell release, and yesterday I received the F/A-18F, again form Revell, both are superb kits!!!!. I´wouldn´t pay twice their price for the Hasegawa offfering, plus Hase kits are with no weapons!!!. Be careful wich box from Revell you purchase, cheapers one only come with AA missiles and fuel tanks...

Um...the Hasegawa kit comes with AIM-9X's and AIM-120's. As far as being superb, the Hasegawa kit reigns supreme in accuracy and fit.

I've built 4 Revell super hornets and all I can say is, it's woth the effort to build a Hasegawa kit and get more detail.

I do agree the hasegawa kit is over priced but it is not a lesser quality kit by any means, with weapons or without..

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The Revell kit IMO is a good value for its money. I will admit it is not the most accurate and there are a few challenges when building, but when it is built it captures the essences of the Super Hornet. The first release has a very nice set of weapons with it.

Micheals craftstores have just started to stock the more recent release, the one with out air to ground weapons. I recently purchased one from the Micheals where I live for about $11.00 with the 40% off coupon from the Sunday newspaper.

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In general, the decals sheet tells you if it will fit one trademark or the other.....I never said that Hasegawa kit was of lesser quality, just said, I wouldn´t pay its price, as the Revell one is a very good resemblance of the real thing!...Just my 2 cents...

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I'm starting to think about trying a revell F-18E just to see, after I build the Hasegawa F-18F, but does any one know the answer to the above question? Keep the info and opinions coming they are great and very helpful

For the most part, unless a decal is meant to cover a complete surface (such as a fin or wing panel) or fit a complex curved area (nose/fuselage stripe), they can likely be used on any appropriate kit of the airplane. In the case of the SH, the only areas that might cause problems would be fin leading edges and fin caps, or the nose stripes like on VFA-103, VFA-102 or VFA-22 jets. The stripes might be a show-stopper, but the fin LE and caps I think are generally easier to paint in the first place rather than fight with decals that usually need to be touched up anyway.

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The Revell kit IMO is a good value for its money.

Hobbybuy.com currently has the Hase 1/48 F/A-18E at half price (US$ 32.50). Sounds like a good deal (I am in no way connected to Hobbybuy.com whatsoever!!) :doh:

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Someone said something about the Supers being at Hobby Lobby. I was wondering if anyone has found a F model there yet? All I have seen is the E's. Why are these guys so slow at getting kits in or not getting them at all. I wish they would hurry up and get some F's in so we can get them on sale.

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The Revell kit IMO is a good value for its money.

Oh yeah no doubt.

Sorry dagger, I was reading too much into your post..

Damn...that's 3 times this week I've "read too much into something"...somebody get me a beer!! :doh:

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Hobbybuy.com currently has the Hase 1/48 F/A-18E at half price (US$ 32.50). Sounds like a good deal (I am in no way connected to Hobbybuy.com whatsoever!!) :D

That is a good deal for the Hase kit, I wish they had the F at that price.

Must resist the urge to order one.... :)

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