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I've found that very thin strips of Tamiya Tape work well for the kind of work. Another thing I've noticed in photos is that the antiglare area itself is quite often flat black while the radome is more of a gloss or semigloss black. This photo is an extreme example but it shows what I mean:


Edited by David Walker
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I made a mask by measuring with calipers the dimensions on the model, then created a paper mask which I could fine tune with an knife and trial fit on the model. When I was satisfied with the paper mask, I traced the paper mask on a wide strip of Tamiya tape to make a tape mask. This worked pretty well for me.

Take a look...

F-106 Nose

I realize the older curved anti-glare panel may be tougher but I believe you can apply the same technique.


Edited by singeri
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I would also suggest using paper to make a pattern. That way you can fine tune it. Then, after you make a pattern you are satisfied with, trace it onto a piece of wide-ish masking tape and cut out the mask with an exacto.

The nice thing about this method is that you can make one side and flip the pattern to make the other. That way you know it's going to be symmetrical.

Good luck,


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When I talked to a crew chief on the F-106A he said to keep them Radomes nice and shiny they used boot polish and rubbed the hell out of m. Whatever the case they always were glossy.

When I did my 106 I just masked it and the antiglare panel at the same time with 3M fineline tape and shot it with MM flat black then just masked the radome off and shot it with metalizer sealer and it came out like this...


Hope that helps...



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