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Okay, apologies if this has been covered already since I obviously missed it....but is it me, or is this one of their more disappointing publications? Seems like I can't find the proper views if items I'm trying to correct or detail in it....they have lots of images that just don't ever seem to be what I need....AAAAND, there aren't even any line drawings to help me with scribing the flaps I redid!!!!

Maybe this is why I got it on sale direct from Squadron for something like $5 a few months back? :rofl:

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Yeah, I agree Andrew, not one of their better efforts ...

I hope in about a year or two they release a revised edition that fixes those things and updates it with all that has changed on the Rhino since it's publication ...


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I agree as well . There are a few good things about the D & S book but it is lacking for sure.

Wouldn't a DACO book on the F/A-18E/F be one to get hold of?!?!?!

For example: The cockpits at any given time can be so different and after talking with a couple pilots at China Lake they said; "yep they pull starboard side console moduals and put starboard moduals for the mission we do here so you never have a 'Standard Issue' cockpit." Wouldn't it be nice to see them all and know what is right for whatever mission.

Also, I looked and looked for the leading edge flap detail at the wing fold so I could see what it really looked like but I couldn't find anything until a fine preson here at ARC and on H/S sent me some shots that I could use.

Yep a DACO book would be GREAT.



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We covered this in an earlier thread, but I cannot for the life of me find it just now, go figure! lol...

Basically, the reason the book suffers as it does is that it primarily covers the prototypes/LRIP run jets... as in, you actually see Super Hornets WITHOUT pizza-box IFF transponders on them. It's great for what it covers, but there have already been a few external changes to the super hornet since this book came out.

I understand D&Ss desire to get the newest/hottest stuff to the afficionados out there, and for it's time it covered everything pretty well, but they really could've given a much better coverage of things if they had just waited 2-3 more years first.

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We covered this in an earlier thread, but I cannot for the life of me find it just now, go figure! lol...

Basically, the reason the book suffers as it does is that it primarily covers the prototypes/LRIP run jets... as in, you actually see Super Hornets WITHOUT pizza-box IFF transponders on them. It's great for what it covers, but there have already been a few external changes to the super hornet since this book came out.

I understand D&Ss desire to get the newest/hottest stuff to the afficionados out there, and for it's time it covered everything pretty well, but they really could've given a much better coverage of things if they had just waited 2-3 more years first.

But, if they did that I fear that the developement birds would have gotten the short end of the stick. I'd rather have the existing volume as-is, and a follow-on to catch the changes since then. It's the best way to cover the subject adequately in the space restraints of the D&S format IMO.

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quote:(Wouldn't a DACO book on the F/A-18E/F be one to get hold of?!?!?!)

Second that!!

I know there is a big difference from doing my F18A using the Daco book compared to doing my current F18F using the D&S book.I still have to resort to try and find the pics and angles i need from the web.

Plus, the black and white photos just don't cut it.



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I have over 300 detailed walk around photos of both the F/A-18E and the F/A-18F. When I can afford (both in time and finances) to get all of my negatives (they were taken on film) redone on CD, I'll be releasing a CD profile for $10.00.

I want one really bad!!! I really liked your Osprey Walkaround CD I bought, worth every penny :worship:

-Doug :)

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