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Are there decals for this TA-4?

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Yep! Microscale 48-312... You didn't specify what scale, I'm sure they made 1/72 as well. There old and original but they still look good.

You want them, I will never use them send me an email at bigpapatootie@verizon.net



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If you want 1/32nd scale, Hasegawa kit 08126. I have an old Kofu-Fan mag with a bunch of pics of that Scooter. Always thought that was a cool scheme. Still a shame there ain't no TA-4J in 1/48. Don M.

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Email inbound, Larry.

So what's the formula for the metallic blue? I'm guessing same as the F-4S scheme?

Anybody use the Kiwiresins TA-4J conversion kit?

Rick L.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decals received, and a BIG thanks to Larry!!!! Also have a Kiwi Resins TA-4J conversion in the mail and a Has. A-4E to scab it onto. If that doesn't shake a new injection TA-4 loose nothing will. If it does...

y'all owe me.

Rick L.

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Email inbound, Larry.

So what's the formula for the metallic blue? I'm guessing same as the F-4S scheme?

Anybody use the Kiwiresins TA-4J conversion kit?

Rick L.

RedRoo Resins also has a TA4F conversion kit. I used it and it came out ok.

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Well Hasegawa's instructions for the High Grade F-4S 75th would have you blend 95% Gunze H5 blue with 5% H8 silver. Going by Squadron's color chips H5 is almost like Insignia blue. Much too dark I think. Fujimi's call for H35 Cobalt blue seems better to me, but that's IF the online color examples are right. And its my opinion only, of course.

Rick L.

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