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Wanted: Chaff/flare bucket decals in 1/72

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If there are any kind souls in Europe who are willing to help out, could someone print me a sheet of chaff/flare bucket decals?

The design I'm looking for is pretty simple - a black 2.5x3mm (or so) rectangle, with thin brown/dark gray lines forming 5x6 squares or 5x3 rectangles. It's up to whoever makes them if they want to include the border around it (see refs pointed in the recent F-16 threads), or if they want to add some loaded dispensers and/or blank-off plates. All I know is I figure a full sheet of just these will keep me in flare buckets for quite some time..

The work will of course be compensated, if neccessary - name your price, and I'll see what I can come up with. (hey, these might just sell like hotcakes..)

I'd actually do these myself if not for the lack of: Available decal paper, decent drawing software, decent skills with said software, and a printer that manages to print anything other than blank papers...

Thankful for any help I can get on this,


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Seeing as no one's replied, I figure I'll extend the solicitation to *anyone* with a printer and the skills to do this. I *really* need some dispensers - got a ton of kits waiting - and in that scale they're well-nigh impossible to scratchbuild decently...

All I can really *promise* in return is pics of the finished models, which is somewhat less of a vaporware item now that I've figured out the quirks of my old digital camera. Monetary compensation can be arranged, but it will probably cost more in transfer fees than the actual ammount. (Reason why I'm not buying from overseas again).

As I said, my eternal thanks to anyone who comes through for me on this...


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You may want to contact Dave Roof at Orion Models and see if he's doing these F/A-18 legacy sheets in 1/72nd scale. Looks like just what you need but these are in 1/48th scale.


Hope that helps a little anyway...



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