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VF-111 Sundowners

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A couple of shots of the restored F-8K aboard the Midway.



I was thrilled when they installed this jet there, though a bit disapointing they messed up the painting around the intake and sharkjaw. The line between gray and white should go right up to the point of the jaws triangle or there abouts, not up and around in a box. Still, this aircraft supposedly had deployed with the SunDowners during their Midway deployment in 65.

Note the demarcation line



This is one from the 65 cruise like the display is supposed to represent. Note also the black radome.


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Here are some pics from my collection :


This is the real 147030 F-8C , that's when he flew with VF-111 det 11 Omar's Orphans from the USS Intrepid during their 1968 cruise


This is the 147030 F-8K ( modified F-8C ) photographed at a museum 1n 1986 , 147030 never flew with VF-111 from the USS Midway , during the Midway cruise they flew the F8U-2N ( F-8D )


This is how the area around the inlet has to be painted on the NE-461 .

Also the Sunrays on the rudder aren't correct it's nice to see them on a museum jet but the SunDowners started using the sunrays around 1967 , the sharkteeth were painted on the Crusaders much earlier :


They started to paint the sharkteeth on their Crusaders during their second cruise in the Crusader. ( Sept 1962 - Apr 1963 )

More to follow , HTH , Henk "Omar"

Edited by sundowner
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Hi Guys , I would like to correct some little thing , it's SunDowners not Sundowners , but what's in a word ..........


1995 Miramar gate guard


Different paint schemes


Firts trap on the Chuckie V , It should have been the NL-200 but this Tom had some problems and trapped later. ( 20 Nov 1983 )


Buick 1991


TPS NL-200 Jan 1993 , all the VF-111 markings are black although I have seen some with red instead of black ( photoshopped)

More to follow ! Henk

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OH that is just absolutely beautiful! Great stuff Fuji!

Thanks, I was just informed yesterday that a 20 x 30'' poster of that image is hanging at the entrance to their ready room :cheers:




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Henk that last set of three that you posted is exactly what I want to do on this project!!!! Keep um coming, they are great!!!!! Also any info on the F-8's in that last set??? Are those E's, J's etc...? I'm not to much of an expert on F-8's, but I'm learning!!!

Those are Hs. Basically reworked Cs. They have the small radome of the C and most, but not all, had the Bullpup hump on the spine. The image posted is from 111's seventh and last deployment with the Crusader before converting to cast off F-4Bs (former Marine jets in really bad shape). SuperScale did a sheet with AJ-105 on it, though its usually pretty expensive when you find in on ebay. Last one went for about $50.

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