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We need a new 1/48 scale F-5A,B,E,F & RF-5A & E.

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Hey Larry, is that with or without the BB cockpit - I can't really tell? It does look very nice!

No Black Box in 1985. If the kit couldn't supply what I needed then I built it myself. I can't remember where or how I came up with the closing mechanism. I wish I could though...

Thanks for the comment!



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I was going to say Hasegawa, Tamiya and maybe Fujimi are you listening. However it seems like as another person put it if the JSDF didn't have it or if it doesn't have a swastika on the tail, they just aren't interested. With the responses to my post, it seems like they should reconsider. I agree that the Esci, Revell, Italeri 1/72 scale F-5A and B puts the 1/48 scale ones, expect the CA offerings, to shame. It be even nice to see the Esci, Revell, Italeri 1/72 ones scaled up to 1/48 with the exception that the panel lines don't get scaled up to look like trenches. But hopefully Academy is listening and will beat the others to the line in producing an updated 1/48 scale F-5A/B/E/F & T-38 - junk that 1/50 scale F-5A,B & T-38 Fujimi retooled toy.

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Hi Larry,

Great looking Tiger and a great choice of subject too ;) I have built many of the Monogram F-5E's myself, and with ALOT of work, and BB cockpit set thay can be turned into a nice model for sure. BUT, it takes a huge amount of time to make it look good, something that I don't often have alot of to spare. Plus the kit is really dated by todays standards. So yes, it can be made into a nice model, but for the time and effort involved, I'll be hedging my bets that we'll see a new tool 48th E/F kit sooner rather than later. I stand by my original opinon that the kit is a pig (but not unbuildable) by todays standards. Best regards, Fred K.

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I've got one :P going to put it on ebay to see if I can get $400 for it like the guy with the SU-37 did


No it is not for sale!!!

And mine ain't for sale either...so DON'T ASK! :D


HeHe looks like we are the last two that have them :taunt: This is what sucks about the hobby, the Chit gos out of production to fing fast!!!!!!!!like the F-18D BB set, any thing for a 1/48 A-6. make more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B***-***T!! See above pic!

Edited by The_Animal
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