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Ross Kemp in Afganistan

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just watched last weeks episode of Ross Kemp in Afganistan and near the begining it showed an apache. not sure if it was british army or us but it had the radome on top. i thought they didnt really need them out in desert theaters?


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Longbows maybe, but not the radars. US machines have had the radomes removed. There is a bit more of a use for them in Afghanistan than Iraq, but not much. If its got a radar on it, it is a good bet that it is British, although I'm not quite sure why they're keeping their radars on either.


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On Medevac missions in Afghanistan we would regularly leave the "A" and "D"(without radar) model Apaches behind and they weren't even carrying a full load. The only a/c that were able to keep up with us consistently were the "W" Cobra's from the Marines. I can only imagine the power management issues they are having with the radar installed. :coolio: Erick

Edited by CW4 Erick Swanberg
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On Medevac missions in Afghanistan we would regularly leave the "A" and "D"(without radar) model Apaches behind and they weren't even carrying a full load. The only a/c that were able to keep up with us consistently were the "W" Cobra's from the Marines. I can only imagine the power management issues they are having with the radar installed. :doh: Erick

They don't pay you guys enough.

Did you ever operate near Blessing or NE Kunar?

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This is why I absolutely love coming to this forum everyday. I just never know when I'm gonna read this kind of real helicopter pilot stuff. It is just a pleasure to read the opinions from you guys and to get your insight into how things really are and some of the considerations most of us will never be privy to. I love it.

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On Medevac missions in Afghanistan we would regularly leave the "A" and "D"(without radar) model Apaches behind and they weren't even carrying a full load. The only a/c that were able to keep up with us consistently were the "W" Cobra's from the Marines. I can only imagine the power management issues they are having with the radar installed. :P Erick


I'd be curious to see the loadout comparison between the -64s and -1Ws, not to mention fuel on board, etc.


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Whiskeys were probably carrying a single Hellfire rack with 2 missiles, and two 7-shot pods.

Of course, we can speculate on internal loads, but I'd be willing to bet the -64s were carrying significantly more than the Snakes if the 1Ws could keep up and the -64s couldnt.


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You're one busy beaver! How do you manage to do all the stuff you do and still find time to fly???

It does get a little hectic around here at times! With the new book in the works, several models building and who knows what else, flying even once a week is a challenge!


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One interesting point on watching this on TV was the Apache hiting a compund with 30mm fire. When they later took the compund the 30mm fire had very little effect on the 3 foot thick baked mud walls it was made from.

The 30mm round had basically knocked bits of the front but that was about all :tumble: I know some guys whom I have spoken to have said they are having to use anti-tank missiles to breach these places.

Was some good shots of the Apache in action though.


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Got to love the Abad valley Blessing was one of our hotspots, got shot at several times in that valley.

They don't pay you guys enough.

Did you ever operate near Blessing or NE Kunar?

IIRC they had several loadouts, between TOW's, 19 shot rocket tubes, dual 7 shot tubes on the same wing it varied quite a bit. Erick


I'd be curious to see the loadout comparison between the -64s and -1Ws, not to mention fuel on board, etc.


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Got to love the Abad valley Blessing was one of our hotspots, got shot at several times in that valley.

Did you know Leeann Tweeden made it to Blessing with the SMA?? I always used to joke that she was going to make it to Naray but she actually made it as far as Blessing.

I'm jealous.


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